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Henlopen Marathon 8/17

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  • #16
    Pics from Saturday

    ابو مسقوف AbuMasgouf (Aboo-Mas-goof ): Fish Roast Papa
    2016 Hobie Outback
    2012 Hobie Revolution 13
    "Be humble to whomever you learn from and whomever you teach."-- Imam al-Sadiq (as)


    • #17
      I was wondering when you guys were going to come out to the Outer Wall, Abu. Anyway, the East side was pretty rough. Going to the Wall was a wet ride. Those swells can get big, and if you're not watching them, a seemingly tame wave can not only drench you, but can tip you broadside. The current can really make you work to get back. The evening water can get much more stable.

      Keeper flounder is hard to get so far this year, so you got a good catch.
      2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
      2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
      2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


      • #18
        Nice Pics Mustafa and nice fishing with you!

        BTW, I tried some of the Triggerfish, I was gifted by ComeonFish, Sashimi style and it was very good! Reminds me of Yellowtail.
        Blue 2016 Hobie Outback
        Chesapeake Bay Kayak Anglers, Inc


        • #19
          Nice work guys. Your catches are impressive, as is the duration of your trip.
          John Veil
          Native Watercraft Manta Ray 11, Falcon 11

          Author - "Fishing in the Comfort Zone" , "Fishing Road Trip - 2019", "My Fishing Life: Two Years to Remember", and "The Way I Like to Fish -- A Kayak Angler's Guide to Shallow Water, Light Tackle Fishing"


          • #20
            It was fun meeting up with everyone. Their reports pretty much says it all. I did not get any keeper fish, but I did catch a number of species:

            Dogfish, Flounder (short), black seabass, two clear nose skates, croaker, spot, sheephead (baby).

            The skates fooled me at first since I thought that I had a nice flounder, instead of a skate... oh well. The morning was cool, but the day turned out to be sunny and nice in the end....not rain at all. Coop also brought a few dozen crabs for anyone to munch on later.
            Attached Files


            • #21
              Looks like you guys had a nice adventure and caught a variety of fish. I will have to get out there with you guys at some point.

              Outback 2015


              • #22
                Nice reports and fish guys!
                Mike S.
                Hobie Outback
                Chesapeake Bay Kayak Anglers
                3D Printed Hobie Hatch Bucket


                • #23
                  Sorry for the late post, I'm back at school with little free time. Anyway, on saturday I stayed on the inner wall for the morning due to the conditions. Drifting along the calmer side I managed two flounder, the first measured 12" and the second came in at 19" again. Caught a few croaker, spot and one 11" speckled trout doing parallel drifts. It was a great last trip for the summer and I was glad to see a lot of the gang on this site out there. Hopefully I'll catch you guys again sometime this fall.

                  Screen Shot 2013-08-17 at 10.20.00 PM.jpg


                  • #24
                    Man, I want to go salt water fishing now.

