Going out in the morning at Tillamook- fishing with my Chark Bait travel rod and Abu Revo SX for Chinook, Chum and Steelhead salmon- supposed to rain, but it is supposed to be light rain-forcast is for winds of 10-20 from the west, northwest. My friend who lives in Portland has a 19 foot river boat with a Mercury 115 jet drive and a 9.9 hp Honda for trolling- it is totally different than the way we fish on the East Coast- the herring baits are "plug cut" and soaked in colored brines that you can buy- secret sauce- the setup has two 3/0 live bait short shank hooks about four or five inches apart on 20# floro leader that is about four feet long- on the front end is two ball bearing swivels (the bait is supposed to spin) tied about six inches apart with a two foot six pound test dropper attached to a one to two oz. cannonball sinker that keeps the bait just off the bottom- the six pound test dropper is designed to break off without losing the entire rig. You start the troll- (lots of company, side by side- you ease into the traffic pattern) and drop the bait until the sinker hits the bottom, engage the reel and take two turns on the reel to keep the sinker from dragging on the bottom- you watch the rod and if the sinker hits bottoim, you reel two more turns- When a fish hits- it hits hard- line screams off the reel-
