Long Boat Report....If you wanna stop reading, I get it. Or just look at the pictures.
With reports of big reds showing up on the ESVA, Hemingway and I had planned on targeting them in the yak over the weekend. Looooong paddle, big water, big fish, camping, the whole nine yards. At the last minute Gary's brother decided to also head down on his boat and with the wind being questionable, it turned into a recon, info seeking mission. We launched on a bayside creek friday afternoon. We tried to catch spot, but failed (should have tried for something else then they would have been everywhere). Finally found some blues and loaded the cooler for bait. After anchoring up, we set out lines with cut bait. While trying to catch some more blues, I tangled a line, making a loop. When Gary's brother reeled in the line, an 8 inch bunker became snared in the loop. I put him on a bridle rig and Gary sent him to the bottom. A few minutes later his line starts creeping out. After setting the hook and a vicious 45 minute fight Gary landed his first cobia. A nice 51 incher.

About 20 minutes later, my line starts screaming. After a long run and a 5 minute fight, I landed a personal best, 48 in bull. Beautiful red.

That was it for the night. The following day consisted of catching spot for bait and a few (mostly short) flounder until we waited for the bite. It was slower, but Gary did manage his first bull red!

Awesome couple of days of fishing. With the info gained from covering a lot of ground and having success both days, I'm confident we can make this happen in a yak. Just need that perfect weather window. Stay tuned.
With reports of big reds showing up on the ESVA, Hemingway and I had planned on targeting them in the yak over the weekend. Looooong paddle, big water, big fish, camping, the whole nine yards. At the last minute Gary's brother decided to also head down on his boat and with the wind being questionable, it turned into a recon, info seeking mission. We launched on a bayside creek friday afternoon. We tried to catch spot, but failed (should have tried for something else then they would have been everywhere). Finally found some blues and loaded the cooler for bait. After anchoring up, we set out lines with cut bait. While trying to catch some more blues, I tangled a line, making a loop. When Gary's brother reeled in the line, an 8 inch bunker became snared in the loop. I put him on a bridle rig and Gary sent him to the bottom. A few minutes later his line starts creeping out. After setting the hook and a vicious 45 minute fight Gary landed his first cobia. A nice 51 incher.

About 20 minutes later, my line starts screaming. After a long run and a 5 minute fight, I landed a personal best, 48 in bull. Beautiful red.

That was it for the night. The following day consisted of catching spot for bait and a few (mostly short) flounder until we waited for the bite. It was slower, but Gary did manage his first bull red!

Awesome couple of days of fishing. With the info gained from covering a lot of ground and having success both days, I'm confident we can make this happen in a yak. Just need that perfect weather window. Stay tuned.