Hey everyone, not sure if I'm posting this in the appropriate spot but...I'm looking for some reliable-ish shore fishing spots in southern MD to take my gf's dad to tomorrow. He lives in Waldorf, so I would say anything within an hour or so drive of there would be fine. He has a little chronic pain in his knees so walking a super long distance or over rocks and stuff wouldn't be preferable, but he may be OK with it (not sure). I'm hoping to take him out tomorrow for a few hours, and was looking maybe by accokeek, I fish for catfish over at marshall hall and mattawoman, but only from my kayak. Mattawoman might be very crowded from the shore. I know he's always wanted to catch a snakehead but I don't know of any spots around that area accessible on foot. If there are any spots you don't feel like posting, but could tell me through PM, that would be greatly appreciated also. Also to anyone who already has my number, just shoot me a text or call me. Ron, I might be giving you a call for some input. He's not dead-set on snakehead, and I would say we aren't dead-set on any 1 particular species, just looking to get out and either catch some perch, striper, snakehead, catfish, or spanish mackerel (that last one would be AWESOME). I know of a spot with some recent mackerel catches down in st mary's county, but I don't know how it is from shore, and I don't want to just throw it out here. I know white perch are also some of his favorite eating fish, so that's a good target. Anyway, thank you for your help everyone.