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Boston, MA Chartaaa - Ave Maria II

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  • Boston, MA Chartaaa - Ave Maria II

    Fished with Captain Mike and some Boston friends on a trip a few weeks ago. He posted the pictures last week and I thought I would share.

    We fished in the Harbor near Deer Island I think and when we first got out we found birds blitzing. They let me cast while they live-lined massive pogies (bunker). I caught three mid 20's fish almost immediately but the wind and the current were both ripping and it made it hard to stay with the birds. The wind was supposed to be around 15-20 but definitely felt like it gusted over 30 at times and sustained in the 20's. It was really rough out there and we got pretty wet. Anyway, after catching three quickly I let my gf try. She hooked into a nice fish, probably about 30" but the mate missed on the gaff (no idea why there is a need to gaff stripahs up there but that's how they do it) and the the fish got off. It was her largest rock to date so that sucked.

    Once the current slowed the birds left and we drifted for a slow pick of blues and rock. We got some hits on the live bunker but what really surprised me was the effectiveness of using rigged bunker (yo-yo'ing). The yo-yo caught all but 1 rock and several of the blues. I reeled in the largest of the rock (boat fish do not count, especially charter trips) and it was definitely my largest rock to date. Somewhere in the low 40's and between 30-40lbs. Pretty awesome to see a rock that big and it definitely fought harder than any rock I've ever caught so that was cool. The rod/reel combo was pretty light by MA standards, glass rod with a soft tip for imparting action to pogie and an Avet reel with heavy braid and flouro leader.

    There were two hobie's out, most likely NEKF guys and we didn't see them pick up any fish. When it got really snotty they left. I wished I was out there with them, but happy to be out at all.

    Last edited by Redfish12; 10-24-2011, 03:54 PM.
    Used to fish more.

  • #2
    Nice fish! Heard about all the wind up there. That'll get your sea legs going. Hopefully no chumming involved! Congrats on the personal best...


    • #3
      Nice trip!! I'm ready for some of those fish to make it here. I would love to be able to catch blues like that during the summer.
      Last edited by CB kayak 02; 10-24-2011, 05:36 PM.


      • #4
        nice fish, i hope some of those start heading down the coast


        • #5
          Nice work on the stripers, and that's a killer blue your lady-friend is holding up. I wish blues that size were more common in the Bay.
          Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
          Yellow Tarpon 120


          • #6
            Wow that's a big blue.

            Nice work


            • #7
              Those big blues are a lot of fun, I wish we had them in the bay!

              John, surprisingly no one chummed at all. It was a hugh center console and we really didn't get tossed around that much all things considered.

              Here's some more shots, pictures never do things justice though.

              Used to fish more.


              • #8
                Nice man. thanks for sharing!
                <insert witty comment here>

