I wanted to get a early start today but the weather was not cooperating. I arrived at the park around 3:00 PM. The wind was still blowing pretty good so i took my time getting the boat and bait ready
This was my first trip of the year so to my disappointment the FF did not work. I checked the fuse and it was very corroded. I replaced the fuse and cleaned up as much corrosion as i could and bingo. Unit works.

Got my rods ready to catch.

I paddled out to a nice windy chop in my face. water was not too bad 1 ft waves with occasional 2 ft rollers. Nothing to worry about. I talked to another boater and it was much worse earlier in the day.

I started drift fishing a bottom rig to see if i could grab a mid day croaker. Worked the cab pots from 15ft and ended the drift under the bridge at a depth of 20 ft. Did several runs with nothing.
Decided to troll and jig around the bridge to the same result. I did get some pretty good marks on the FF in 22ft to 25 ft of water but could not get them to hit.
The rudder i installed last week worked great. Its a world of difference with wind and current. Best $200 dollars i have spent in this boat.
Around 6:00 the wind died down and it was wonderful out there.
I gave the bottom a couple more trys and i got the one and only fish of the day. A little fat White Perch caught on a gulp minnow.

So with that i headed back to the car. Good day on the water. Not much fishing action but i got the first of many fish this year and tested the new rudder and transducer install.
And the fish had a glorious death by beer battered deep fried goodness.
This was my first trip of the year so to my disappointment the FF did not work. I checked the fuse and it was very corroded. I replaced the fuse and cleaned up as much corrosion as i could and bingo. Unit works.

Got my rods ready to catch.

I paddled out to a nice windy chop in my face. water was not too bad 1 ft waves with occasional 2 ft rollers. Nothing to worry about. I talked to another boater and it was much worse earlier in the day.

I started drift fishing a bottom rig to see if i could grab a mid day croaker. Worked the cab pots from 15ft and ended the drift under the bridge at a depth of 20 ft. Did several runs with nothing.
Decided to troll and jig around the bridge to the same result. I did get some pretty good marks on the FF in 22ft to 25 ft of water but could not get them to hit.
The rudder i installed last week worked great. Its a world of difference with wind and current. Best $200 dollars i have spent in this boat.
Around 6:00 the wind died down and it was wonderful out there.
I gave the bottom a couple more trys and i got the one and only fish of the day. A little fat White Perch caught on a gulp minnow.

So with that i headed back to the car. Good day on the water. Not much fishing action but i got the first of many fish this year and tested the new rudder and transducer install.
And the fish had a glorious death by beer battered deep fried goodness.
