Originally posted by tj06sti
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try salting the shrimp they last forever and harder for the little beasties to steal. i salted some shrimp and squid 2 weeks ago and the came out very well. only 3 days to cure and a lot of salt but its only .50 at most gro. stores.
what do they charge to launch there?
nice report
I am new here, a buddy of mine and I used to fish in yaks in front of the pier maybe an extra 50 yards or so, would nail croakers, white perch , some blues, skate and rarely strippers. We used to put in at the beach in the old cove but too many people treating like the public beach put and end to that, do you know of any other good put ins around north beach?Wilderness Systems Tarpon 140
Wow, I just checked out the Charts, I didn't realize the channel and deeper waters were a few miles out from Chesapeake beach.. I am looking, and it seems Breezy is a bit closer to them. I am considering launching from Breezy point on Friday, anyone have any input?
Originally posted by moc View PostWhich area are you going to try to fish?
Yeah the channel is a ways out from Chesapeake. There is one slight drop off that goes from 6 to around 15' about 3/4 mile out. Thats where I marked fish and got that hit.
From breezy, I was planning to go to that green buoy...when you look at the chart for breezy you'll see what Im talking about.<insert witty comment here>
Some fisherman are comming into the store and buying alot of blood worms. They are fishing and catching croaker at Thomas Point Park. The croaker are up this far. I have been busy at work and doing other things. I have got to get some time to fish here soon.
Thanks Metro! Oh yeah, the Green can is something we fished from the powerboat when I was a kid, I never realized there was so much depth change around it till seeing the charts! I may be changing my plans up a little with the weather degrading for tomorrow..
Originally posted by MetroMan View PostYeah the channel is a ways out from Chesapeake. There is one slight drop off that goes from 6 to around 15' about 3/4 mile out. Thats where I marked fish and got that hit.
From breezy, I was planning to go to that green buoy...when you look at the chart for breezy you'll see what Im talking about.
i went out with Friday from BP last spring. SE wind 10-15mph and going through the shoals was an eye opener for surethe chop really builds there but once you white knuckle through that out by the green can was a lot better, much calmer. thats where i learned what the revo could handle. not to be done alone unless you are experienced and have your safety stuff