Went down to my Sister's place at Cobb Island this morning- my minnow trap was empty so I caught four white perch and cut two up into fish steaks for cut bait. I paddled out of the inlet around 9 a.m.- it was overcast and windy- as I approached the channel approximately a mile from Mitchell's Creek, I noticed the swells were about two, sometimes three feet in the channel- I was trolling a 5/8 oz (7/0) jig head with a pearl bass assassin on one rod and a 6 inch chartreuse shad on the other- I pulled across the channel to the back of St. Margaret Island and back again- nothing. the paddle was tough against a stiff south wind and breaking water in the cockpit so I decided to anchor up on the edge of the channel closer to the 6 foot bar than the 36 foot deep trench running next to the channel marker. I wasn't there fifteen minutes when a boat came very close to me making me straddle the yak with feet in the water to ride out the wake- that should have told me something, but I am a hard head- twenty boats later, I threw in the towel- nothing is worth drowning- I was catching fish but it was getting rougher and the boats were everywhere- fifty feet off the bow- 75 feet off the stern- you name it they buzzed by at close range all morning long- at 1 pm I started paddling in- four blue catfish- biggest one was 28 inches
