hey guys.i am new to snaggedline,i just started an account so i dont know anyone yet.my name is andrew,i am 13 &i kayak fish the south river...
yesterday i went out of turkey point island beach & the goal was 2 catch my first spot of the year for livelining. i ended up catch about 40 spot with bloodworms on a 2 hook rig. i i caught a few pech and croaker also with one croaker being at 17 inches
i only kept about 20 spot for livelining though.i rigged them up on one of my hand tied rigs i make ( a 75 # barrel swivel tied onto 3 feet of 30 # flourocarbon leader to a 5 ot octopus hook ) i had multiple blues tearing up my spot.i didnt catch any blue tho. i cot 2 stripers that were under sized.i then decided 2 start jigging a 5 inch bkd on a 1 onze jig head.cot 3 stripper al undersized. my setup is a 7 ft medium heavy quantum inshore bluerunner rod withh a calcutta 400 te spooled with 15# berkley trilene biggame. i like to liveline with a baitcaster because wen the striper take of with mr spot you can just push the button into free spool & count 2 ten then take a swing and set the hook. my other baitcaster is a abu garcia ambassaduer 5600 on a 7 ft medium action inshore ugly stick. my 2 spiining reels are a pfluegar infussion & a penn pursuit graphite. i have a few penn 330/309's for cownose ray fishing .i catch the 50plus pounders on crab.what do u like to cast to fish that are breaking water?
thnx again & if anyone is going on a trip in the south river ide like 2 go.
tight lines
yesterday i went out of turkey point island beach & the goal was 2 catch my first spot of the year for livelining. i ended up catch about 40 spot with bloodworms on a 2 hook rig. i i caught a few pech and croaker also with one croaker being at 17 inches
thnx again & if anyone is going on a trip in the south river ide like 2 go.
tight lines