So the last few times we fished my house the fish have been deeper. well today Gary and I fished deep to start and got nothing for several passes and then i went shallow and got quite a few short fish and so did Gary. as we passed the pier on the point i hook up to a keeper that takes me around pilings and was a complete nightmare in the current but i landed it. a minute later Gary hooks up and lands a keeper as well. soon after i realized that the water out deep was crystal clear and the water up shallow was murky with baitfish. so obviously the stripers followed the bait into the shallows. then we transitioned back down the bank and caught our second keepers and a few more. biggest fish i landed was a 24 inch bruiser that was a great fight but i already had 2 21.5 inchers in the well so i was on the catch and release after that. i shall catch her another day!! here is a pic of the twins in the front bin.