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Lewes DE 7/2,7/4

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  • Lewes DE 7/2,7/4

    Up early (4:00) to catch the incoming tide with a bag full of sand fleas and my toggin rod. I paddled from the CHSP to the inner wall and fished the outer wall. My first drop in the rocks I landed a 10 inch Tog! At that point I thought that I was the toggin king. For the next two hours I lost 6 rigs and almost dislocated my shoulder a few times setting hooks into 4 ton bolders. I was exhausted and followed the last of the incoming over to the Lewes Ferry wall and fished for croaker and flounder. I ended up catching another Tog on bloodworms as well as a keeper flounder. Ended the day with 5 croaker which I use to trade with someone back at the pier for help loading my kayak.

    7/4 I new the boat traffic was going to be crazy coming out of the inlet, so i put in at the inlet beach at 6:00 am. I had a nice incoming tide and the drift took me straight down the underwater rock jetty. My first drift I caught 10 flounder. By the end of my third drift I had limited out on keeper flounder with a 22 1/2 inch kicker. I lost my last 3/4 oz jig head so I paddled to shore and gave 2 fish to some guys there and was surprised that it was only 7:45 am. By the time I got back, the boat traffic had increased and the drift was taking me straight into the inlet through several strong rips. I managed a few more nice flounder on the inner wall drift. Getting out of the inlet at the peak of incoming tide was not easy. I ended the day by making a slow drift during slack tide thanks to a nice wind and landing my last fish, 20 inches.

    When I dropped by the tackle shop to use the bathroom and pick up the jigs I mentioned I was fishing out of my kayak at the inlet and the man behind the counter said that the boaters complain about "us" constantly. I told him I most likely out fished all those expensive center consoles and I use very little gas. He laughed and said that he has the same kayak I do and feels exactly the same way. The funny thing about it was that for the most part I noticed that kayak fisherman go out of their way to be considerate on the water and not clog inlets or crowd boats on fast drifts...not too sure the feeling is mutual with the boater crowd.

    Flounder caught on 4 inch white GULP minnow with 3/4 oz shad dart jig head bounced off the bottom just off the rocks. Most other fish caught on blood worms.

    Side note, I did wear long sleeves and long pants on the water and avoided the sunburn I got the previous weekend.


    No pictures as I cant handle a flounder, take a picture effectively yet.

  • #2
    Nice report, I need to head up that way soon, the flounder bite up in DE right now is hot!! My only worry is I've never fished the area before. Do you think you could put up some pics using google Earth or something similar showing where you launch and then fish...

    That would be awesome if you get the chance!! thanks


    • #3
      great report and good job on the flounder. I have been lucky with most boaters that have crossed paths with me. And like you I'm always the first to alter my course if we are crossing paths. I have only run into a few of "Those guys" that seem to think they own the water and intentionally pass closer than necessary with laughs or smirks. Some people are just A@@holes.

      Did you anchor up for the togs or drift the rock jetties?


      • #4
        As far as locations go, I can describe and give your direction that you can use to ask a local or go on google maps yourself. I have NO idea how to mark a google map and post it myself.

        There are several good drifts in the Lewes, Delaware area. The first is along BOTH sides of the Cape-May ferry jetty. There is DEEP hole where on the jetty side of the rock wall that no one fishes as the ferry blows their horn at most boats...never did to me though...i stayed close to the rocks! Anyway fish both sides of that jetty. If you go on a weekend prepare for company...including people who just anchor in the middle of everyones drift...good times.

        The next good drift is along the Roosevelt Inlet rock walls (about 1 mile away from the Ferry Jetty I described above). Unless you have a high need for exercise, I would not fish the actual inlet drift...the current is ripping and your drift will be over almost too quick to get your line in front of anything. Stay on the outside and fish the eastern jetty extended underwater (it is well marked every 15 yards with BIG SIGNS saying UNDERWATER JETTY).

        If you look at a map of Lewes follow Savannah Rd until you cross the Lewes/Rehobath Canal (great fishing as well). Continue 1/2 mile (25 mph...take it seriously) and turn left on Ceder Rd. Follow it all the way to the parking lot and park there as close as you can to the beach walk way. Take the walk way along the jetty and follow it to the beach (50 yards). There you are a great, easy put in and take out. The fish are literally 20 yards away now.

        The Tog I caught was blind luck. I think it was a gift from the fishing gods for all the paddling i've been doing. I caught it on sand fleas while drifting as close to the wall as I could. I forgot my anchor so holding still, which apparently is essential for tog fishing, was a challenge.

        Hope that helps.



        • #5
          nice job jason! i need to get down there let me know the next time you are going and i'll see if i can make it


          • #6
            I still trying to figure out how i can fish for tog and remain stationary without dropping an anchor. I guess i could use the same approach as i do on the bridge to stick on the pylons. Constant paddle strokes to hold position. It will be harder without the pylon to judge my location though. Guess i could stare at my zoomed in GPS map. Or i could buy a Hobie

            CHSP is definitely on my go to list this year.


            • #7
              make a rock anchor out of #2 awg copper wire cheap at HD 3 pieces about 2' long bent into a hook shape wire tie them together add some rope and your in business. when pulling it out the hooks will straighten out for retrieval. if my bro-inlaw wasnt such an AH id be down every other weekend

