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11/two-oh Tucker St Launch-Convict bass & pickerel

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  • 11/two-oh Tucker St Launch-Convict bass & pickerel

    Mccray & I found JG to be blown out so we launched into Weems Creek where we ran into Jrentch & mark & another. We all found the horizontal-lined bass & Mccray found a couple pickerel & I found one. Both our biggest pickerel was 19". Our biggest state fish was just under 20". The others may have caught a couple of
    legals but many shorts. Definitely, less wind in the creek. Still, a gust blew my hat into the water. Thanks for fishing w/me Keith & good to run into the other guys too. Oh, & I caught the new state record for biggest leaf too. No shortage of leaves to foul your lures.

  • #2
    Weems is a great place to escape the wind. Congratulations on you state record!

    Hobie PA 14
    Wilderness System, Thresher 155


    • #3
      It was nice seeing you guys on the water.

      I got one striper and 6 picks. Nothing large but they provided some pullage on a day when the wind and discretion kept us off the Severn.


      Each pickerel was tight to shore. Best bet -- if you see a downed tree with its branches in the water, cast into it. You may stick a few spinners in the wood but you'll also stick a few pickerels.

      John Rentch did well. He caught fish of each species exceeding 20 inches.

      You just never know. It's deep into November. I keep expecting the stripers to leave the creeks but they remain -- not that I'm complaining!
      Pasadena, MD

      Slate Hobie Revolution 13
      Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
      Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro


      • #4
        Yes, the Stripers were an unexpected bonus yesterday. Got into a couple with some good pillage. Caught both on a 1/8 yellow jig with a chartreuse Gulp paddle tail. I cut 1/2 of the head off so it could fit on the hook better. Was really using this as alternative for Pickerel, was very surprised the Stripers took it. ,

        I agree with every one else regarding Weems being a great alternative when the wind is blowing on the Severn.
        John Rentch

        Native Ultimate 12 FX Pro
        Hobie Revolution 11

