I had the fortune of finding of a 10 footer for my 12 year old daughter who has been begging me to take her kayak fishing. I wanted to test it out before it warms up in the spring when I can safely get her out. I put my friend Tyler (in the photos) in my Tarpon 12 and I tested out the Tarpon 10. We put in the Susquehanna below the dam and just decided to poke around and enjoy the pretty day. We headed up in the rocks and it was perfect. We were by ourselves. No fish in the shallows as was to be expected with the current temps. We paddled back down and jigged some BKD's in what I think was about 16 foot of water (still no FF on my yak) and we got into some sub legal schoolies. Tyler managed a fat smallie on an X-rap. The new 10 footer was solid and I am very excited about getting my daughter out when it warms up. Perfect weather and a nice day to be on the water.