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Shore Report- Conowingo Dam & Susquehanna

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  • Shore Report- Conowingo Dam & Susquehanna

    Not much shad action at all at the mouth of Deer Creek. Nothing in about a hour of fishing for me or anyone around me. Couple guys had seen a few brought in here and there.

    Headed up to the dam, the spillways were open and it kind of looked a little like the ocean with waves breaking coming in straight at the shore and fishing bulkhead. Didn't see any thing happening on the shore and the water was weird, just a big eddy with the current running up towards the dam. Did some casting for maybe an hour or two at the south end of the fishing bulkhead where the current came back to normal and was heading down river. Fairly large crowd of locals there and some fish were coming in. Maybe saw 5-6 American shad, 4 hickory. None for me I only managed to snag one large carp and hook another larger another.

    Three nice stripers also came in that hit shad jigs or spoons of the local crew. One was a real beauty had to be about 36" and just fat and healthy. Another guy to the dam side of me hooked a smaller rock(maybe 20") and also a big Flathead that he lost at the shore, both on 4 or so inch twister tails.

    Not a great day for me but it was enjoyable to get out and the second lipped hooked carp was actually very spunky and I had some head shaking and runs that had me believing I had a nice rock. Shad are not there yet or maybe with the weird weather it's as good as it is going to get. I got to totally polar opposite predictions from guys at Deer Creek. First was by the time it warms up it is going to be all over with, the other that when it finally warms up they are going to run in mass.
    Last edited by DonV; 04-15-2016, 07:21 PM.

  • #2
    I fished yesterday below deer creek and fishing was slow. I got 6 fish in about 2 hours.


    • #3
      Unless desperate, I seldom will fish directly below the dam anymore.
      It's an "interesting experience" that I no longer wish to repeat.
      Between the poachers, illegally fishing for Rock, or keeping shad, or ducking the carp fishermen who can completely takeover the beach area flinging lots of weights, or standing in the conga line crossing lines with 500 of your closest new friends, I'd just as soon find someplace else to fish (even if it means fighting D.C. traffic!).
      I've just seen too many fights and near fights there over something that is supposed to be recreational.

      And after I flipped a canoe there when I got caught out in an unscheduled water release in mid day in the summer………….I'm not crazy about being anywhere near the dam.

      I will either hike a mile or two down from the dam, or fish another part of the river (avoiding the same crowd at Deer Creek).

      It's supposed to be fun!


      • #4
        Originally posted by bignose View Post
        Unless desperate, I seldom will fish directly below the dam anymore.
        It's an "interesting experience" that I no longer wish to repeat.
        Between the poachers, illegally fishing for Rock, or keeping shad, or ducking the carp fishermen who can completely takeover the beach area flinging lots of weights, or standing in the conga line crossing lines with 500 of your closest new friends, I'd just as soon find someplace else to fish (even if it means fighting D.C. traffic!).
        I've just seen too many fights and near fights there over something that is supposed to be recreational.

        And after I flipped a canoe there when I got caught out in an unscheduled water release in mid day in the summer………….I'm not crazy about being anywhere near the dam.

        I will either hike a mile or two down from the dam, or fish another part of the river (avoiding the same crowd at Deer Creek).

        It's supposed to be fun!
        +1 one on that. I used to be a regular at the dam and Deer Creek but not any more. Funny I drove through Susquehanna Park this am an two heron were standing in the creek with shad hanging from their beaks


        • #5
          Originally posted by bignose View Post
          Unless desperate, I seldom will fish directly below the dam anymore.
          It's an "interesting experience" that I no longer wish to repeat.
          Between the poachers, illegally fishing for Rock, or keeping shad, or ducking the carp fishermen who can completely takeover the beach area flinging lots of weights, or standing in the conga line crossing lines with 500 of your closest new friends, I'd just as soon find someplace else to fish (even if it means fighting D.C. traffic!).
          I've just seen too many fights and near fights there over something that is supposed to be recreational.

          And after I flipped a canoe there when I got caught out in an unscheduled water release in mid day in the summer………….I'm not crazy about being anywhere near the dam.

          I will either hike a mile or two down from the dam, or fish another part of the river (avoiding the same crowd at Deer Creek).

          It's supposed to be fun!
          It was surprisingly uncrowded and everybody at both locations was pleasant. During the shad run I try to go on weekdays and find that most there then are very nice people. Been shoulder to shoulder and most everyone knew what the were doing' timed everything right and would give room to land a fish. I've had some ignorance go on there but in general the weekdays crowds are serious fisherman and most are very nice. Weekends in the summer are another story and you will have 12 foot rods flinging lead past your head as you are trying to cast or the one guy that makes a fortress wall of twelve rods and takes up 3/4 of the shore. I will not even try if it's just to crowded and it could become violent when i just can't resist knocking someone up beside the head. I find two crowds to be there. The just plain ignorant and the uneducated. The ignorant I may come to blows with but I try to be a gentler with the uneducated even when they can be as frustrating as the just ignorant.

          Most of my life I've fished mostly shore, pier and similar areas and while sometimes cursing the crowd usually had a good time and got along with most everybody, like the feel of it, found a certain sense of camaraderie, gained lots of knowledge and met quite a cast memorable & pleasant characters. I've fished Conowingo since I've been a kid and still like the vibe when it is not a terribly crowded day. Have only missed one or two shad runs since I've been in my twenties. Right at the dam is productive and I still can catch it with plenty of room once in a while and still like to fish it. Don't get me wrong the kayak has been a godsend and I love the quiet uncrowded peacefulness but a day from the shore is not that bad. It's got a certain feel.

          I'm kind of emotionally and nostalgically attached to the place. Once, while maybe not one of those ignorant guys, but sure as hell uneducated and possibly quite tipsy and maybe a little loud and obnoxious to boot, we used to take kegs up in the back of the van along with other substances and do all weekend fishing/parties. I even recall one weekend when there were prostitutes from Philly working the area and remember seeing open drug deals of large quantities going on in the parking lot. It was a little crazy but fun and very memorable. When the catwalk was open, you couldn't fish the shore as you may get bombed at anytime from someone on the catwalk or tangle with the whole spoolful of line they would let out. In general it's a little calmer and less crazy then it used to be but you do run into very rude bunches once in a while but I have had the same happen at other areas and as you said you it's a big place if you can still find out of the way area even on crowded days with a little walking.

          BTW I really want to kayak there or at Lapidum but looking at the water at the dam today gives me the shivers.

          Second BTW: I need some of those wonderfully productive world famous spinners. My supply is getting a little low. You have them this year or did they all go at the flea market? I will pay and dearly.
          Last edited by DonV; 04-15-2016, 08:50 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Oldbayrunner View Post
            +1 one on that. I used to be a regular at the dam and Deer Creek but not any more. Funny I drove through Susquehanna Park this am an two heron were standing in the creek with shad hanging from their beaks
            The b@stards! That's why I couldn't catch any fish, the birds got them all.


            • #7
              It can get really crowded, it has not been crowded yet because the fishing has not been great. I have to say last night a guy just below me was catching quite s few but I only managed one. I decided to move up towards the creek and had no luck. I looked down and saw the guy that was catching a lot had left and someone else had his spot. I was mad for moving because I could have gotten the spot. I moved back down and the guy who was fishing there now invited me to fish there with him as he was doing pretty good. I took him up on it and caught 5 before they stopped hitting and it was time to go. There are still plenty of nice guys up there.


              • #8
                Originally posted by mike o View Post
                It can get really crowded, it has not been crowded yet because the fishing has not been great. I have to say last night a guy just below me was catching quite s few but I only managed one. I decided to move up towards the creek and had no luck. I looked down and saw the guy that was catching a lot had left and someone else had his spot. I was mad for moving because I could have gotten the spot. I moved back down and the guy who was fishing there now invited me to fish there with him as he was doing pretty good. I took him up on it and caught 5 before they stopped hitting and it was time to go. There are still plenty of nice guys up there.
                That seems to be the way shad are. It's can be a very particular spot and change day to day. Sometimes I mean a foot or two sideways is all the difference from fish or no fish and you can be right besides someone catching constantly and you will come up with one here or there but nothing like having the spot. Plenty of times I have had the same thing happen that you describe but sometimes am lucky enough to wait patiently long enough for somebody to leave and get the good one. Do have to say there is some technique mixed in and I have grabbed a hot spot someone abandoned only to see my efforts in the area I had just seen produce fish after fish for someone else be not quite as productive. After writing all that I think I may have determined that shad behave very much like "fish", the sneaky critters.


                • #9
                  I had better luck @ Lapidum yesterday as I was skunked @ Deer Creek. Later, up @ the dam I saw a half dz maybe more huge cats caught & taken away for a fish fry. Mud shad were caught as usual hooked in the back. A few hickories too but no walleyes despite the fast water. Lots of birds showing off their catch. Kids kept getting too close behind me while I was casting. I always look back before I cast.
                  Last edited by whenican; 04-16-2016, 04:46 AM. Reason: wasnt done w/ my post

