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Brenton Bay and Smith Creek - 7/14-15

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  • Brenton Bay and Smith Creek - 7/14-15

    I fished Brenton Bay and Smith Creek the last two mornings. It was like a tale of two cities. At Brenton I had just missed low tide and had a slow moving incoming tide to work with. Threw on a paddle tail and headed out to the closest hump where we have been catching keepers, today nothing on my first pass. Headed over to shore and switched to my perch lure, a tiny Rebel crankbait. First fish was a 10” perch but after that they were running fairly small in this spot. I slow trolled the shore and culled a few more 10” fish for a perch dinner. By the end of the day I probably caught 25 perch but only 4 hit the 10” mark. As the current started to move I picked up a couple of stripers on the perch lure so I switched back to the paddle tail. Went back to the hump but still no fish. Picked up an 18” fish in the channel but it seemed to be a random drive by. Called it quits around 9 and felt like it had been a productive morning. On a positive note the nettles were fairly sparse when I was out. On a negative note there is a large (maybe 100) flock of vultures living at the launch and several of them felt the need to use my car as a roost. My previously pine green truck is now psychedelic white and green with feathers and digested something for decorative flair.
    Decided to try Smith this morning even though it has been slow the last few times. As I was pulling into the launch I noticed a skunk wandering along the edge of the woods, an omen I choose to ignore. It was close to dead low tide when I launched. Headed out to the rip rap wall at the point. Strong west winds were creating small white caps moving parallel to the wall, tried fishing for a short time but lack of bites and bouncy ride drove me back into the creek. I trolled all the usual spots but it was at least an hour and a half before I had my first bite. Decided to try for some perch and hit a couple of the small coves. My first fish was a nice surprise, small red drum. Ended up with a very meager 4 perch (all quality though), 1 drum and a 13” rock. Based on my last few outing I really can’t recommend Smith Creek right now if you are heading down to St Mary’s.
    Pro Angler 14 "The Grand Wazoo"