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Weems Creek - Saturday

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  • Weems Creek - Saturday

    Im going to try and get some perch fishing in Saturday morning. Conditions wont be the best, but it's been a while since Ive been out and I still have to christen my sweet custom perch rod I won at the CBKA raffle. I'm planning to launch from Tucker Street boat ramp around 7am and will be on channel 68 if anyone else happens to be out there.

    It's my first time from Weems so any pointers are appreciated, should be pretty straight forward though. Should be a good time!
    Last edited by jsnyd86; 09-30-2016, 02:24 PM.
    Revo 13

  • #2
    Should find them everywhere, especially above the bridges.
    John Rentch

    Native Ultimate 12 FX Pro
    Hobie Revolution 11


    • #3
      Let us know how it goes, I have Sunday to fish but I fear that the upper Patapsco will be too turbid to be much fun, so I was thinking of hitting Weems and some perch action.

      Yellow Pompano 12
      Lime Slayer 10


      • #4
        I fished in Weems this morning. From the bridges to the mouth, the water clarity was good. Above the bridges it looked like coffee with cream. Although Weems Creek gets a lot of runoff from the medical center and Annapolis Mall, the rain over the past few days has mostly been light enough to minimize sediment runoff. I have not tried for perch there recently, but have found them in other nearby creeks.
        John Veil
        Native Watercraft Manta Ray 11, Falcon 11

        Author - "Fishing in the Comfort Zone" , "Fishing Road Trip - 2019", "My Fishing Life: Two Years to Remember", and "The Way I Like to Fish -- A Kayak Angler's Guide to Shallow Water, Light Tackle Fishing"


        • #5

          Those were some nice perch rods in that raffle.

          Wish I could join you Saturday but I am otherwise engaged.

          I think "busy" lures, especially those with a spinning blade work best for perch in water clouded by runoff. Work the edges whether they be natural shorelines, riprap, docks or downed trees. If perch are present in a particular area, you'll know soon enough. And even if they're not you may find pickerels or stripers in those areas, especially this time of year as the white perch begin to vacate their summer homes.

          Good luck,
          Pasadena, MD

          Slate Hobie Revolution 13
          Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
          Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro


          • #6
            How was fishing Jon? If you got any pics with your new rod in action send them to Jaspratt!
            Blue 2016 Hobie Outback
            Chesapeake Bay Kayak Anglers, Inc


            • #7
              Thanks for the tips guys. I've generally caught most of my perch on accident and don't think I've ever gone out solely for them. Do they tend to stick around all year and retreat to deeper water in the winter?

              Unfortunately I pulled out and decided to stay local and let the morning storm pass. I don't mind a little rain but my weather underground app showed thunderstorms in Annapolis and moderate coastal flooding.

              I live a few miles from occoquan reservoir so I went after crappie and small bass instead. The fish were very lethargic and could hardly detect most strikes. The new rod was especially nice to have for that reason. I found a few bass but no crappie for my fish tacos, so I ended up eating quesadilla for lunch.
              Revo 13


              • #8
                Originally posted by jsnyd86 View Post
                Thanks for the tips guys. I've generally caught most of my perch on accident and don't think I've ever gone out solely for them. Do they tend to stick around all year and retreat to deeper water in the winter?
                I find targeting perch to be great fun. On light conventional tackle or a fly a 10 to 12 inch perch can give you quite a pull. The locational and lure tips you've been given in this thread will absolutely work. Perch are aggressive and very predictable in the their seasonal habits. Very shortly, they will be leaving the tidal creeks they have patrolled for most of the summer as they head to deeper waters to spend the winter.

                In the meantime, stripers will linger for a little while in those areas and then as the waters significantly cool, pickerels will have sole possession of the former perch haunts.
                Pasadena, MD

                Slate Hobie Revolution 13
                Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
                Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro


                • #9
                  I've been hitting a lot of 10"-12" white perch on a bottom rig. When two of them hook-up, the fight is almost as good as a medium size rock!
                  Hobie Ivory Dune ProAngler 14 Lowrance Elite 7 ti TotalScan

