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Perch Trip Sunday (02/05/17) AM Around Baltimore Area

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  • Perch Trip Sunday (02/05/17) AM Around Baltimore Area

    Planning on getting out of the house Sunday morning to do a little bit of perch fishing if anyone is interested. Most likely the Magothy or possibly North of that Location. Let me know if you're interested.
    2018 Hobie Pro Angler 12

  • #2
    I'm looking to go out Sunday as well, but I don't have a drysuit, so I will be fishing from shore. I assume you'll be kayaking, but if not, I'd be happy to join.

    2020 Vibe Shearwater 125


    • #3
      I will be heading out via kayak. I think right now it looks like bear creek and not the Magothy. Sunday morning around 8-9am.
      2018 Hobie Pro Angler 12


      • #4
        are you casting or live bait... thanks Zeke
        mark "Zeke" Z.
        One Day or Fish @ a time !
        Native Slayer 10 oak
        Perception 10


        • #5
          Where on Bear Creek?? I have never been for perch before and I may be interested.
          2017 Hobie PA14


          • #6
            Hopefully we will be fishing both. I am highly dependent on a local shop for live bait so if they don't have any I will be using lures. We will be heading out of watersedge (by the basketball courts) if you're interested. Meet time will be 830am.
            2018 Hobie Pro Angler 12


            • #7
              Okay, do you have an address?? I'm not familiar with Bear creek or Watersedge.
              Last edited by Steve6902; 02-04-2017, 11:10 AM.
              2017 Hobie PA14


              • #8
                Rugbyfish, I do not have a dry suit either. I use my chest waders when I go out. They're calling for temps in the high 40s low 50s and the water temperature is 43°
                2017 Hobie PA14


                • #9
                  I'm also going out with fishmoken on the magothy, might be launching from spriggs farm. Where are the other launches you mentioned, and are they good for yellow or white perch bottom fishing? We won't be out til later like 11 or 12, so we may still see you out there.


                  • #10
                    At Bear Creek, Watersedge Park to hopefully catch so.e perch. Water like glass.
                    2017 Hobie PA14


                    • #11
                      I'm not going to be able to make it at all today. Best of luck, hope you guys get into them!

                      2020 Vibe Shearwater 125


                      • #12
                        We had zero luck. Very few marks all day and I don't think even one bite. We did however, find a chicken head. So there's that...
                        2018 Hobie Pro Angler 12


                        • #13
                          Yeah we didn't have any luck on the magothy either. I'm not too much of a yp expert....are they typically found in the same spots that you'd find white perch, like docks, fallen trees, etc? And what's their salinity tolerance like, would they be found around spriggs farm, or only farther up the magothy?


                          • #14
                            Yes to the chicken head, feathers and all. It would seem that there is some sort of pegan ritual that goes on there. Also a big Thanks to Troy for showing me around.
                            2017 Hobie PA14


                            • #15
                              Similar to white perch. Most people I know normally use grass shrimp, live minnows, blood worms etc. I generally use small bass assassins with a small jig head and bottom fish. I just think I picked a poor location. We didn't even get into pickerel which is pretty hard to do. According to Steve my new guiding service received a one star! I will try again soon on the Magothy.
                              2018 Hobie Pro Angler 12

