Fished from 9-4pm. It was nice heading out but the water was doing some odd stuff. Tide was running out and strong with swells coming at all directions. However I was able to still fish but at first it was difficult trying to figure out how the best way to jig would be. I first hit the western span and made a few drifts but no luck. So I decided to try the eastern span. Second drift at 53 and fish on. Not to big about 20 inches. I went right back and started to hook up on fish all at 53 eastern span. I ended up landing 8 and loosing 2. Biggest was a 27 and 26 most of the others were right around 20. Best part was the charters weren't catching a thing!! I used the wall as a way to fish bc it broke up some of the swell. At about 11 it just stopped. Fished till 4 and was out at 445. It calmed down as the tide started to come in and by the time I left it was very calm with just a slight drift.
