I caught a few stripers the other day but thats it avsolutely it since ive been here..... my plan was this to sabiki aome bait then chjunk a 2 oz egg weidht and a 5/0 circle hook on...... i couldn't find bait i tried beetle spins amd fish bites nothing bit, so i like to troll and was wondering what people troll from the kayaks, i will not have 4 lines out ever mauybe 3 at the most, these umberella rigs create to much drag, mayne its cause I'm new and dpmr know what im doing yet but im getting frustrated with my new home (southern maryland) i wamt to catch big fish my though was work up the food chain.... some advice on locations and baits yall are trolling would help alot..... how do you catch big stripers the ones i hear the east coast is famous for? My first fish i got lucky on at the most recent heroes on the water event i participated in..... im not asking yall to throw the fish on my stringer but maybe some launch guidance, why i cant catch anything ay point lookout?
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