Arrived at Jack's launch at the end of St Georges Island a little before 11 expecting to just see Ron Ault but was pleased to see Icatharuus Bill in the lot and a Kevin Fry already on the water after a prolonged layoff due to illness. We were going at high tide looking for reds and anything else that came along. As we came out of the creek we ran into Fishtank who was circumnavigating the island. Headed off to the fishing grounds in full armada mode. Found a few rockfish ranging from tiny to 18". I picked up a 17" trout mixed in with the rockfish on a large flat. We tried for reds but no takers at the first spot. Ron, Bill and Kevin headed off to the next spot and Tim and I headed in the opposite direction.
Tim picked up an identical twin 17" trout and I got on the radio to let Ron know. All I heard in response was "Oh my God, I've got a big one". I thought he meant redfish as he'd picked up one on the spot. Nope, a 26", 6lb speck. Hopefully Bill has a good picture as I was phoneless today. I headed over, because that's what lazy fisherman do. Picked up a 15" redfish and a few scattered rocks. Headed back in and off around 3. Really nice day.

The fatter one had a whole 6" flounder in its stomach that had been surgically cut lengthwise into 1/3 2/3 sections. No idea how it got cut like that.
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Tim picked up an identical twin 17" trout and I got on the radio to let Ron know. All I heard in response was "Oh my God, I've got a big one". I thought he meant redfish as he'd picked up one on the spot. Nope, a 26", 6lb speck. Hopefully Bill has a good picture as I was phoneless today. I headed over, because that's what lazy fisherman do. Picked up a 15" redfish and a few scattered rocks. Headed back in and off around 3. Really nice day.

The fatter one had a whole 6" flounder in its stomach that had been surgically cut lengthwise into 1/3 2/3 sections. No idea how it got cut like that.
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