SMOG wanted to fish this morning but we were all being obstinate and wouldn't budge on where we each wanted to fish. Like an old couple at this point of the season. So we launched at three different spots about a mile and a half away from each other with me in the middle trying to relay via radio what was happening. Ron was immediately into top water schoolies then moved to a spot he hoped would have bigger rocks. Ended up being a trout day for him. He lost a 20+" fish at the boat but did land 6 specks in the 16-18" range. Fish were on the edge of grass in 4-6' of water. Mighty good eating size.
Gary was messing around with bluefish which kept busting his gear up. He caught two specks but they were in the 8" class and he had a few schoolies as well. His spot was the least productive today.
My day started off slow but I saw some birds working several hundred yards off the bank along the crab pot line. With my fish finder not working I decided to follow natures fish finder. Had a schoolie and then cast back again and a bigger fish hit. Several good runs later I had a 23" pig of a speck in the cooler. Played around with the rocks for another 30 minutes but no more specks in the mix and nothing bigger than 17" rock. Went back to shore and started casting for redfish. After a bit I hooked an 18 1/8" redfish. Saw Ron and I pedaled over so he could get my photo and then we headed back towards our respective launches. Momma gonna be eating good tonight. Things are hot in the slower lower.

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Gary was messing around with bluefish which kept busting his gear up. He caught two specks but they were in the 8" class and he had a few schoolies as well. His spot was the least productive today.
My day started off slow but I saw some birds working several hundred yards off the bank along the crab pot line. With my fish finder not working I decided to follow natures fish finder. Had a schoolie and then cast back again and a bigger fish hit. Several good runs later I had a 23" pig of a speck in the cooler. Played around with the rocks for another 30 minutes but no more specks in the mix and nothing bigger than 17" rock. Went back to shore and started casting for redfish. After a bit I hooked an 18 1/8" redfish. Saw Ron and I pedaled over so he could get my photo and then we headed back towards our respective launches. Momma gonna be eating good tonight. Things are hot in the slower lower.

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