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Bodkin Perch Search

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  • Bodkin Perch Search

    Rain last night and rain this morning. But the forecast said it would be dry after 1:00 p.m. So I visited Downs Park in Pasadena despite dark threatening skies and launched into the Bodkin. I fished from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and for the first time this year caught more than a handful of perch on an outing.

    I caught 18 white perch. Many of them were 8 to 9 inches:

    P1030654.jpg P1030662.jpg

    One touched 11 inches on my Hawg Trough:


    But my biggest surprise was this perch -- a yellow:


    I didn't know there were any yellow perch in Bodkin Creek. In fact, I hooked two others in different locations but lost them boat-side. It's great to see them there.

    Although this is the first time I've reached double digits on perch in 2018, I visited many spots for them. On only two occasions did I hookup on consecutive casts. I fished near riprap, piers and reeds. By far, I caught most near reeds. Areas like this were most productive:

    P1030655.jpg P1030667.jpg

    The tide was rising and although water was lapping at the base of the reeds, most of my catches were out 5 to 10 feet from shore.

    I cast only one lure on this outing -- the 1/8 oz. jig spinner you see attached to the fish in the photos above.

    The water was stained, almost like tea, but not as turbid as it was on my last visit a week or so ago. Loose SAV remains an issue. Many bumps on my jig turned out to be this:


    However, it was good to finally have some decent perch pullage. It has been long overdue. John Veil reported catching 25 in the Severn yesterday. I was encouraged by my catches today in the Bodkin. Perhaps white perch in our area are finally behaving the way they are supposed to in June.
    Pasadena, MD

    Slate Hobie Revolution 13
    Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
    Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro

  • #2
    Nice work Mark. Your perseverance has paid off with a good catch today. Hopefully the perch have moved in and will provide many relaxing trips for us this summer.
    John Veil
    Native Watercraft Manta Ray 11, Falcon 11

    Author - "Fishing in the Comfort Zone" , "Fishing Road Trip - 2019", "My Fishing Life: Two Years to Remember", and "The Way I Like to Fish -- A Kayak Angler's Guide to Shallow Water, Light Tackle Fishing"


    • #3
      Great going Mark, glad the perch maybe acting like they should.
      John Rentch

      Native Ultimate 12 FX Pro
      Hobie Revolution 11


      • #4
        Thanks for the report!

        Feelfree Lure 11.5


        • #5
          I returned the to the Bodkin this morning via the new launch at Down's Park.

          John Rentch joined me. We each found a fair number of perch in various sites. In fact, we paddled pretty far just exploring the area. It holds much promise for stripers too. Eventually I will target them. But for now, the perch are providing sufficient fun.

          It was a little breezy on an otherwise beautiful morning:

          P1030703.jpg P1030710.jpg

          I caught a couple of white perch 9 to 10 inches. They were my largest today.

          P1030713.jpg P1030714.jpg

          Otherwise most were around 7 to 8 inches.

          And I caught another yellow perch:


          It's really great to see them. I've hooked 4 in my past two trips.

          I tossed the same red/yellow/gold jig spinner I used the other day. It's racking up a large perch count.

          As before, most of the perch I caught were 10 feet or more from shore -- except the yellow perch. It was within inches of riprap.
          Pasadena, MD

          Slate Hobie Revolution 13
          Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
          Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro


          • #6
            I agree with Mark, Bodkin Creek has a lot of variety of shorelines. Even with the NW winds I was able to snag 8 perch. All were caught 10-15 ft from shoreline. Definitely want to fish this area this fall. Should hold lots of Stripers. Thanks to Mark, the Maritime Museum has a healthy Yellow Perch. Thanks Mark!
            John Rentch

            Native Ultimate 12 FX Pro
            Hobie Revolution 11


            • #7
              Originally posted by J. Rentch View Post
              ...the Maritime Museum has a healthy Yellow Perch. Thanks Mark!
              No problem, John. I'll have to pay him a visit to make sure he's getting along well in his new home. Now he'll get a daily feeding of minnows and won't ever again be tricked by a jig spinner.
              Pasadena, MD

              Slate Hobie Revolution 13
              Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
              Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro


              • #8
                What a nice series of reports!
                It sounds like this area should open up some interesting new possibilities.
                You have gotten a lot of milage out of that yellow/orange spinner jig!
                John, it sounds like you are healing well. Good to hear!


                • #9
                  You should give this place a try. Need a cart for the easy 100yd hike to water.
                  John Rentch

                  Native Ultimate 12 FX Pro
                  Hobie Revolution 11


                  • #10
                    I just finished building a cart today!
                    Looking forward to trying it out!


                    • #11
                      Great, maybe we can hook up
                      John Rentch

                      Native Ultimate 12 FX Pro
                      Hobie Revolution 11


                      • #12

                        Absolutely. Check it out. I'll be glad to join you.

                        If offers a lot for kayakers (and canoeists!).

                        It has wide open spaces suitable for trolling:

                        P1030704.jpg P1030705.jpg P1030706.jpg

                        It has many inlets and cuts to escape the wind:

                        P1030691.jpg P1030699.jpg P1030715.jpg

                        It has lots of manmade structure:

                        P1030695.jpg P1030709.jpg P1030712.jpg

                        Notice the geese providing an audience in the last photo.

                        There are also natural shorelines with reeds as seen in my original post and beaches too.

                        It's fed by big water. The Bodkin joins the Patapsco where the Patapsco meets the Bay.

                        I hope you and others try the area. Anne Arundel County and the Water Access Committee have done a very good deed for us.
                        Pasadena, MD

                        Slate Hobie Revolution 13
                        Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
                        Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro

