Saw the wind direction and speed were favorable so headed down to St I with admittedly low expectations. Arrived at daybreak and saw the mirror surface us kayakers love. Headed off to the first cove hoping to scare up a redfish. Nothing happening against the grass banks but I noted baitfish holding in the middle. Put on a topwater and second cast a 19” striper slammed the lure. Turned out to be a solo as no other takers there.
Headed out to Kitts Point and had a nice blowup on topwater and a few fish on the paddletail. Visibility was about 2’ today with lots of grass and pine needles (those perfect v shaped ones that slide down your line like a fireman on a pole). Fishing more than one rod would have been almost impossible today. I then headed out to the edge of the grass beds and the channel and scared up some schoolies by trolling parallel to the grass.
There were remnants of last nights storm in the area but I luckily stayed dry.

Picture of weather in lieu of stressing fish more than I had to. Ended up with 9 stripers and one bluefish bite off. Water is still super low salinity as there wasn’t a jellyfish to be seen. Can’t recall them ever being this late in the bay. Odd year
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Headed out to Kitts Point and had a nice blowup on topwater and a few fish on the paddletail. Visibility was about 2’ today with lots of grass and pine needles (those perfect v shaped ones that slide down your line like a fireman on a pole). Fishing more than one rod would have been almost impossible today. I then headed out to the edge of the grass beds and the channel and scared up some schoolies by trolling parallel to the grass.
There were remnants of last nights storm in the area but I luckily stayed dry.

Picture of weather in lieu of stressing fish more than I had to. Ended up with 9 stripers and one bluefish bite off. Water is still super low salinity as there wasn’t a jellyfish to be seen. Can’t recall them ever being this late in the bay. Odd year
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