So with the new tarpon 160i having issues. Not just one but FOUR cracks in the scuppers i had my hands full this early spring trying to repair this yak. Now after some shitty welds and a HUGE thanks to flex seal (yes the as seen on tv stuff) my kayak is back up and running with no water inside. More on that in another post.....I took the kayak out on senica lake earler on in the week with no bites. As well as no fish seen shallow. So today I decided to hit the monocacy river to try my luck. Not the best place to take a 16' yak but I made due. I paddled a 100 yards up stream and found a dozen or so white sucker fish. I was kicking myself for leaving the fly rod at home! If you havent got one one the fly it can be a blast. After watching them for awhile I continued my trip up river. I hooked into a few smallmouth as well as bluegill and a suckerfish all on a ned rig. While taking the photo of the decent smallmouth ,there was a couple of huge splashes across the river. Never saw what it was but i have seen some giant carp on that stretch....again I will have to come back with the fly rod. All in all it wasnt a bad day. Hope everyone is having a good spring fishing season. 

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