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Not bad today

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  • Not bad today

    I listened to the negative reports about the lack of Perch in the Severn, and figured that I had to take my chances today, in spite of them. It was my first time out this year.

    Not bad!
    I caught fish!
    Maybe 20-22 White Perch and one Baby Rock (a Pebble?) over a 2 hour period, in Weems Creek today. No Pickerels or Yellow Perch, today.
    None of the Perch were huge, between 4-6 inches, maybe one about 8", but what the hell, I had a decent day.
    There was a huge amount of baitfish in the water ranging from 1/2" fry, thru schools of 2" minnows. With that much bait in the water, sooner or later, the fish that eat the bait will show up.

    The water was stained with about 2 feet of visibility, and it was low tide.
    There was some unusual weed growth for Weems, patches of Milfoil, as well as the usual thready weeds. I haven't seen Milfoil on Weems before.
    The weeds stopped in about 4 feet of depth.

    Most of my catches were directly adjacent to the deeper water outside of the weeds.
    Sorry if I spot burned, but I wanted to illustrate what the weeds looked like.


    I caught most of the fish in two locations, fishing 10 yard off shore, parallel to rip rap and bulkheads.
    I used my usual 1/8 oz. Chartreuse and White Spinner Jig with a gold blade. One fish was hooked on a smaller 1/16 oz. lure.
    For a while I feeling a lot of ticks like the fish were short striking, so I tried a smaller lure, but after I saw what kind of weeds were growing, I figure that I felt the spinner jig hitting the stalks of the weeds.

    Last edited by bignose; 05-30-2019, 03:48 PM.

  • #2

    I should have gone with you.

    On second thought, for your benefit it's good I didn't.

    Congrats on finding perch.

    Perhaps this is the start of what we have been waiting for.

    Thanks for the report.
    Pasadena, MD

    Slate Hobie Revolution 13
    Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
    Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro


    • #3
      Nice going Stu, let’s hope it continues
      John Rentch

      Native Ultimate 12 FX Pro
      Hobie Revolution 11


      • #4
        Great report. Hopefully the perch will move into their summer spots fully.
        John Veil
        Native Watercraft Manta Ray 11, Falcon 11

        Author - "Fishing in the Comfort Zone" , "Fishing Road Trip - 2019", "My Fishing Life: Two Years to Remember", and "The Way I Like to Fish -- A Kayak Angler's Guide to Shallow Water, Light Tackle Fishing"


        • #5
          I was out on the South River this morning before the wind came up. I came up with 2 six inch "pebbles" and one six inch perch. The wind felt like 10-12 MPH coming out of the NW. Not good with an outgoing tide and no motor.

          Ocean Kayak Trident 13 Angler (Sand)
          MK Endura Max 55 backup power
          Vibe Skipjack 90

          Graduate of the University of the Republic of South Vietnam, class of 1972

