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  • Squnked

    Had a great crew tonight and we fished the back waters hard with only a couple of hits. Two snakehead hits and about 4 LGMouth hits. But no love as the water temps dropped 4 to 5 degrees after a big storm. Used all my tricks to get a hookup....heck a bite would be welcome after that storm.

    Capt Mike

  • #2
    Sorry you could not get any fish to stay on. I have had more than my share of skunks recently as the fish I am targeting in shallow tidal waters just are not there at this time.
    John Veil
    Native Watercraft Manta Ray 11, Falcon 11

    Author - "Fishing in the Comfort Zone" , "Fishing Road Trip - 2019", "My Fishing Life: Two Years to Remember", and "The Way I Like to Fish -- A Kayak Angler's Guide to Shallow Water, Light Tackle Fishing"


    • #3
      My wife and I were skunked this past Saturday in Eastern Bay. We logged many miles trolling and casting, but couldn't find any stripers shallow or deep. Might be time to switch to crabbing and fishing for white perch.

      2020 Vibe Shearwater 125


      • #4
        Put in at Solomon’s 6:00 AM. (Ramp - Pax River below Rt. 4 Bridge.) Idea was to troll the mouth of the Pax then head out to what’s left of Cedar Point Lighthouse. (About 14 miles round trip from the ramp to Ceder Point Light) Sure thing I thought. Stopped at the usually consistent spots along the way. The University pier, Channel markers, creek mouths coming out Pax Naval base...Nothing. (By the way, you must be 75 yards offshore of the base or they call in an air strike). Trolled along the rip rap on the way to Cedar Point… Arrived at the lighthouse, first 6 casts had 5 shorts. Although not legal it was better than what I was doing…..Figured, OK, I can work with this.... Then it immediately went dead except for the two CNRs. Paddled back to the University sure thing pier. It wasn’t. Loaded up, headed back to Alexandria. Another sure thing was on my mind.... I know, I’ll night fish for rock at Blue Plains on the Potomac across from Old Town. (Note: Put in Belle Haven Marina, If you launch from there figure a little less than a 6 mile round trip paddle to Blue Plains) Closer place to put in is under the Woodrow Wilson Bridge but it closes after dark) Arrived just as the sun went down. Perfect conditions. Gave it an hour...not a bite....Went home.
        Last edited by Fishtank; 06-03-2019, 10:55 PM.
        Ocean Kayak Ultra 4.7
        Predator 13


        • #5
          Ditto, hit Beverly Triton on Sunday. It was a late start because I brought the wife and daughter to hang on the beach (8:00). Absolutely nuttin, beated a desert for two hours before I joined the two happy girls on the beach. Granted, I was starting late, had no idea what the tide was, and was half heartily fishing, but still, not a bite. Although, the snow ones were tasty on the ride home

          10' Green Slayer
          13’ Red Slayer


          • #6
            Sympathies to everybody's lack of success... I haven't been out in a week or so and probably would report the same.

            But interesting on my local visit to the Lotto (Korean Super Markets) to pick up cheap veggies...
            They have a large fish market.
            And in the Rockfish bin were fish with Maryland tags... white... with the stamp.

            Usually the Rockfish been are filled with farmed fish (shorts), no tags.

            all the fish in the bin with MD tags were what I would call legal size.. and most skinny.

            Anyway thought I'd post this... I guess there are fish out there... have no idea how they were caught..
            well "pond" nets or what ever...

