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West side Snakehead

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  • West side Snakehead

    Yesterday early Friday morning, I launched at 6:00 am to mostly sunny skies and low winds from the south in a Patapsco tributary. The tide was low but incoming. I paddled for 15 minutes south to a cove that contains submerged wood, lots of SAV, and plenty of piers. Large schools of killifish roamed the grass beds, and the water quality has drastically improved as the mahogany tide diminished.

    As I made my way down the cove, I was blind casting in between the piers, throwing a chartreuse buzz bait to any spot that had a slight cut or other structure such as reeds, rip rap, and submerged wood. Shortly after reaching the back of the cove, I stood up to get a better view of the shallows. Not too long after scanning the water, I spot two decent sized snakehead, maybe 12 feet apart. I observed them for a moment, then threw my buzzbait near the larger one. He/she took a look at it, followed it for a second, then was still. I made another cast and to no avail, buzzing the bait slowly past. I switched to a Big Bite Baits Cane Thumper white swim bait rigged weedless on a 1/8 oz jig head. I cast just past the fish, retrieved the bait slowly towards it, only for my offering to be ignored. I made several more casts where I then was bumping my lure into the fish, only to constantly watch it just sit there.

    I moved on to another portion of the same cove where it is a similar story, submerged wood, grass beds, and lots of bait. As I was slowly maneuvering the 30 yard stretch of shoreline, a snakehead rises from the depths out of Nowhere, only a few feet away in front of my kayak. I stalk the fish for 30 minutes, making many casts with both the buzzbait and the swim bait. He only followed it once. Before calling it a morning, I had one more spot to check.

    It was a 20 minute paddle north to a different cove, with the same features as the previous. Only this cove is a 5 minute paddle from where I launch. After scanning almost the entire shoreline in the very back of the cove, I finally spot another snakehead. This time, I threw the swim bait first, and the fish zeroed in on it. However, he did not commit, so I made a second cast but botched it. I reeled my line back in very quickly to perfect the next cast. The third time is the charm as I casted past him, slowly retrieved it back, and to watch him stalk the bait then strike was a moment that I will never forget.

    After 2 hard runs into the grass, he came to the surface, but I knew that he wasn’t done. As I contemplated on how I was going to land this fish with only lip grips, and no net, he made a strong effort to pull me into a submerged lay down. I managed to get him back away from the lay down, and paddled a good ways away from the structure with my rod in between my knees. I then brought the fish close to the boat side and grabbed the hook with my pliers while using my dehooker to open his mouth so that I could get my grips in there. Finally, he opened up and I got him with the grips. I decided to harvest the fish as I have yet to try snakehead. I bled the gills and placed him on my stringer, then headed home to fillet him up. The fish measured to be 22 inches, and weighed maybe around 5 pounds?

    For dinner that night, I dressed the fillets in old bay lemon butter and threw them on the grill. For the side, I grilled green zucchini seasoned with salt and pepper. They have white, flakey meat with absolutely no fish taste. It was a delicious meal.
    The chance to sight fish so close home is incredible, and now I think that I will dedicate more time to chase these fun fish.

    Tim M. Elliott
    Pelican Boost Angler 100, Garmin Striker 4

  • #2
    Nice report Tim. Glad to see someone is out on the water.

    Ocean Kayak Trident 13 Angler (Sand)
    MK Endura Max 55 backup power
    Vibe Skipjack 90

    Graduate of the University of the Republic of South Vietnam, class of 1972


    • #3
      Thank you John. I hope that you’re able to find some time to get out there soon!
      Tim M. Elliott
      Pelican Boost Angler 100, Garmin Striker 4


      • #4
        Nice work Tim, glad it paid off. This is on my bucket list this summer. Am sure I can find one in my area.
        John Rentch

        Native Ultimate 12 FX Pro
        Hobie Revolution 11


        • #5
          Nice catch Tim.


          I heard rumors from locals last summer that they were in our area's tributaries. Yours is the first confirmed catch I know of.

          Pasadena, MD

          Slate Hobie Revolution 13
          Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
          Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro


          • #6
            Great report Tim! As I've stated before, snakehead are something I'm looking forward to targeting. Have obligations today, so probably won't be able to fish until tomorrow. Tight lines and stay safe out there everyone.
            Tight lines
            Hobie Ivory Dune Outback
            Hobie Caribbean Blue Sport
            Wilderness Red Tsunami 145
            Wilderness Green "Warhorse" Tarpon 160


            • #7
              Great story, why I love Snaggedline. Thanks for sharing.
              Pro Angler 14 "The Grand Wazoo"


              • #8
                Congratulations on finding and catching snakeheads close to home. You put in a good effort on Friday and were rewarded with a good fish.
                John Veil
                Native Watercraft Manta Ray 11, Falcon 11

                Author - "Fishing in the Comfort Zone" , "Fishing Road Trip - 2019", "My Fishing Life: Two Years to Remember", and "The Way I Like to Fish -- A Kayak Angler's Guide to Shallow Water, Light Tackle Fishing"


                • #9
                  Thank you everyone.

                  John R. and Ski357 (forgive me as I do not know your name)- I wish you two luck in your pursuit of this fish and I’m sure that you both will come across one soon.

                  Mark- it was hearing these rumors that inspired me to give it a try. I think that an outing together is due soon.

                  Mike- I am happy to hear that you enjoyed it. I also love Snaggedline for the same reason. The sense of community on here is very strong and I am very thankful to be apart of it.

                  John V.- I remember reading one of your previous posts when you mentioned catching a surprise snakehead in the Magothy. It feels good to have caught one without make the 2-3 hour drive elsewhere. I hope that the Severn clears up soon from the mahogany tide so that you may enjoy the river’s bounty again.
                  Tim M. Elliott
                  Pelican Boost Angler 100, Garmin Striker 4


                  • #10
                    I've been trying to find them locally, but have been striking out. I know they are here, because I've seen plenty of pics, but so far, I've come up empty.
                    Really don't want to drive to BW any more.

                    Last week, I paddled about 3miles of shoreline in Dundee. Never saw a sign of one, even in the snekiest of spots. Same thing out of Mariner park. I know they are there....
                    Native Slayer 12
                    Native Ultimate


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by gliebig View Post
                      I've been trying to find them locally, but have been striking out. I know they are here, because I've seen plenty of pics, but so far, I've come up empty.
                      Really don't want to drive to BW any more.

                      Last week, I paddled about 3miles of shoreline in Dundee. Never saw a sign of one, even in the snekiest of spots. Same thing out of Mariner park. I know they are there....
                      Sent you a PM with some info.

                      I caught a small one this weekend on a Mepps spinner. A lot of the larger sneks have been skittish or spawning.


                      • #12
                        The Mepps spinner is a good lure for when the bite is slow. I also recommend checking out Steve Kambouris’ youtube channel, Kambotrout Fishing. He posts a lot of awesome content regarding snakehead.
                        Tim M. Elliott
                        Pelican Boost Angler 100, Garmin Striker 4

