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Daniels Dam - Patapsco - forget it.

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  • Daniels Dam - Patapsco - forget it.

    It used to be a nice place to fish. I knew weekends in the summer had people laying on the muddy hill as if it was a beach. Bad enough to haul a kayak up and down that mud but lay on it? [emoji15]

    Anyway after talking to a DNR officer it seems week days aren’t very nice there anymore either. Double parking with no one wanting to move their car unless you tell them it will be towed.

    I hadn’t been there in a couple of years so decided just to take a late drive up there yesterday - Sunday - to see what the area looked like. I did not bring my kayak as I was just checking it out.

    Mistake. I’ve been there in the past on holiday weekends but NEVER saw the mass parking and blocked road like this. Cars parked illegally were being ticketed. Cars blocking the road because they were talking to people. Kids standing on the dam. Police officer said they chase them off dam and ten minutes later they’re right back.

    This used to be a nice place to kayak. I’ve caught 16” smallmouth there in the past. Now snakehead have moved in - but no chance of fishing there with even weekday crowds and having to battle the mess. This used to be a quiet place to fish.

    I hope the dam gets taken out like Bloede. Even a toll gate would help but the business and church back there would need a way to bypass it.

    The DNR officer said there are a lot nicer places to fish than there. After seeing yesterday’s fiasco/chaos I couldn’t agree more.

    That used to be my after work kayak fishing spot. Now I need to find a new one. Just looking for a smaller quiet area like Daniels Dam area used to provide.

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    Last edited by zeebyrd; 07-06-2020, 08:12 AM.
    Laura (aka zeebyrd)
    Perception Pescador Pro 100

  • #2
    I am hoping that when ,and if schools reopen, and it cools down, it may quiet down a little.
    It, too was one of my nearby escapes.

    Unfortunately, the damage has been done.


    • #3
      My main requirement these days is to find a place to fish where I can actually get away from people.
      Catching fish is an added benefit. I’ll gladly catch less fish in exchange for solitude.


      • #4
        This is a touchy subject,, that will quickly get in trouble with the PR police and "Social Justice warriors" if you point out the obvious.
        Anyhow,, you need to travel out past Front Royal to get away from the "Carnival on the water" crowd.
        The Doah was my goto float to get away,, no longer. You need to push deeper into the wilderness to find solitude.
        The most desirable river floats in this country have been "rationed" for years now (out west), I would expect to see that happen on some areas here east in the future.

        Have you tried Alaska???
        Captian of the plastic Navy
        1 - Mad River Canoes
        1- Tarpon 120
        1- Redfish 10
        1- Coosa HD
        2- Cuda 12
        1- Slayer Propel 10


        • #5
          Daniels Dam - Patapsco - forget it.

          Sure Alaska is just a few minutes from my house. [emoji3166]. So is Front Royal. [emoji851]. I’m looking for some place to go after work.

          Within the past few years the popularity of Daniels Dam has increased. In the summer about three years ago I was able to go there during the week without the crowd that is now there. I didn’t have to worry about being blocked in by someone parked behind my truck.

          Solution - close it down altogether to swimming. If people can’t follow the rules such as not swimming near the dam, not waking on the dam and parking wherever they feel like then it’s time to do something about it. I’m not sure how anyone finds the water around the dam to be inviting to swim in.

          I’m just waiting until I can move to somewhere a lot nicer and even less crowded than Front Royal. Some place where there are natural lakes unlike Maryland - and an abundance of them. (Yes I have already decided where that will be - and it does exist.)

          I am rarely politically correct and don’t care who is offended by my thoughts on this subject. If someone is an offender it doesn’t matter who you are.

          I am offended by the destruction of natural resources.

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
          Last edited by zeebyrd; 07-06-2020, 03:16 PM.
          Laura (aka zeebyrd)
          Perception Pescador Pro 100


          • #6
            The Howard County and Park Police have attempted to discourage swimming around the dam, to no avail.
            Between the water below the dam, the backwater behind the dam, and the "swimming hole" about 300 yards upstream of the dam, there is too much territory for the authorities to cover, and no real desire on the part of law enforcement to enforce the rules.

            You can imagine what it would be like trying to get 500+ unruly teenagers and other assorted park users to comply with the rules, just a strong streak of oppositional defiance. Too many people and not enough recreational space.
            They installed some Jersey barriers to cut down on the parking spaces, which just results in the cars parking 3 deep and completely obstructing the flow of traffic.

            The Columbia area ponds are suffering from the same over usage, and inconsistent enforcement. And nearby Centennial Lake, same deal.


            • #7
              Daniels Dam - Patapsco - forget it.

              I know it’s time to move but the current situation has changed things at work so I have to wait it out.

              As for the swimmers at Daniels Dam it wasn’t just teenagers yesterday it was car loads of families.

              DNR was there yesterday ticketing cars and chasing people off the dam.

              I won’t run this into the ground. This entire area is much too crowded for me. I have close to 200 new houses being built near me. I have plans to move out of state in the very near future.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              Laura (aka zeebyrd)
              Perception Pescador Pro 100


              • #8
                I think the issue is everywhere in Maryland right now. Here in Southern Maryland anyplace that has accessible shore line seems to have been completely taken over starting Friday morning through Sunday night. During the week it is a little better. I went to Chapel Point Park in Port Tobacco a couple weeks ago and counted 82 cars in the small parking area and the road that leads to it. I walked down to the soft launch and it was totally trashed and every inch of shoreline was occupied. I don't even bother trying on the weekend's anywhere down here anymore.


                • #9
                  Well I think it’s time to store the kayak away. Might be selling some equipment as I was planning to go through things and eliminate what I don’t use.

                  I’ll eventually take stock of what I have and list it on Facebook Market as things tend to sell pretty good on there.

                  I was planning to sell some stuff before I moved to have less to take along. Not exactly sure when the move will be but cleaning up will help no matter what.

                  It’s a shame that this area has become so congested. It’s the main reason I am planning to move.

                  Thank you for all the comments.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                  Laura (aka zeebyrd)
                  Perception Pescador Pro 100


                  • #10
                    Unfortunately, I am stuck here until retirement. 12-15 years away. Ugh.


                    • #11
                      Anyone one know if similar mobbing is happening on the Gunpowder in northern Bmore Count?... especially around York Road? I see the water temps are running in the 50Fs, so Reservoir managers must be releasing cold bottom water. That's some chilly water to be swimming in.

                      16' Oldtown Camper Canoe with a side-mount 40# thrust trolling motor.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Archivist13 View Post
                        I think the issue is everywhere in Maryland right now. Here in Southern Maryland anyplace that has accessible shore line seems to have been completely taken over starting Friday morning through Sunday night. During the week it is a little better. I went to Chapel Point Park in Port Tobacco a couple weeks ago and counted 82 cars in the small parking area and the road that leads to it. I walked down to the soft launch and it was totally trashed and every inch of shoreline was occupied. I don't even bother trying on the weekend's anywhere down here anymore.
                        Bad news, but good to know. I haven't been down there this year...guess I won't waste my time. I've taken the jon boat out to Benedict...easier to get away from the crowds that are swarming the bank...
                        Hobie Outback
                        Stand Up Paddle Board
                        Pelican 100

