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picking up Ron and Bill's leftovers at SJC

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  • picking up Ron and Bill's leftovers at SJC

    Well Bill sent me some pointers but I did not check my computer like a lunkhead (even though I new the note was coming). I did not think to do it, I was changing line, modifying my other rod and adding a crate to the front......all things that would not end up being as important as the intell!! Just my luck. I did NOT ever find the trout. I never went far enough up the creek.
    I did catch plenty of hard fighting rockfish though. All at the spit. The tide was coming in. I'd let the wind and the eddy bring me along parallel to the spit. I'd cast my heavy spoon into the wind and reel it over the bar. They would hit it just before the drop off.
    After hours of futily pursuing trout, I went back to the spit. The tide was up and had driven boats and shore fishermen off.....but the intrepid Kayak Angler wins again. I trolled and x-rap right next to the drop off ....where only a kayak could go...and caught one every pass. All 17 inchers except a 20 incher that is now in fish tacos! of course that brought big boats up, but their long casts were not productive...except to be constantly in my way.
    Also, I trolled up a flounder today (on my rapala), tried to get a pic but it did not turn out! Bigger than my usual 9" but still about 4 inches short of a keeper.
    Still plenty windy, but a good day
    14.5 ft Sand colored Malibu X-Factor "the promise"
    2010 Hobie Outback "the Gift Horse II"

  • #2
    Here are a couple of poor pics. One is a pretty average schoolie like most i was catching early on. I caught the bigger ones later. The other is a little rock I caught on a perch spoon I was using hoping to get a trout....a cute blittle guy.
    Attached Files
    14.5 ft Sand colored Malibu X-Factor "the promise"
    2010 Hobie Outback "the Gift Horse II"


    • #3
      Way to go!!!

      I now know where to fish the next time I come fishing.

      WS Tarpon 120 Mango


      • #4
        Those fish look well-fed. I know what you mean about the trout. After Ron caught his keeper, I kept getting excited every time I felt something bigger on the line, only to find out it was an undersized striper. Hopefully, the trout will stick around long enough for me to get another shot at them.
        Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
        Yellow Tarpon 120


        • #5
          Glad you found them ....... congrats ......

          Don't you love it ......... find the fish and then dodge casts from out gas guzzling freinds ..........

          We had a guy in a 20 something boat come in on us while we were catching ........ he only stayed for about 20 minutes ........ couldn't stand the plastic boats catching and not him .......

          LOVE it !!!!!!

          oh SJC ?

          we need a reference page for these things .........


          • #6
            St. Jeromes Creek... St. MAry's County


            • #7
              i have a gas guzzler and a plastic boat. bothers me when the powerboats get on top. i feel like; if i wanted to scare all the fish with a motor and big ole bow wave, i could have done it myself.

              i'm still trying to learn/practice to be more discrete in the catching. i guess there'll always be some that were coming to that spot anyway. but i think some guys just go out and look for other boats fishing as their main plan.

              dunno really except that other fishermen are a fact of life.


              • #8
                I don't mind the boats at all. Wish i could afford one. But.... it's better to be David than Goliath!
                14.5 ft Sand colored Malibu X-Factor "the promise"
                2010 Hobie Outback "the Gift Horse II"

