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Pickerel like Bignose spinners

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  • Pickerel like Bignose spinners

    With the elevated winds the past two mornings, I stayed near home and fished in sheltered spots in the Severn. Historically, white perch begin leaving the shoreline shallows in the Severn creeks and ponds at the start of October, and by the end of the month, most are gone to deeper habitats. My two trips this week were consistent with that trend.

    The spot I fished yesterday did not produce many fish. In two hours of casting, I caught 5 perch and 1 pickerel. I was excited about the pickerel as it was my longest of the year so far (23.5"). I try not to leave fish out of the water very long. I was too slow in getting my camera out and ended up returning the big fish to the water without a photo. This morning I fished in a different location and caught 6 perch and 3 pickerel. The first pickerel was about 20" long. I measured the second one at 21.5". All three of those pickerel, plus one other smaller one today hit a Bignose spinner that I was throwing to shorelines in search of perch. I have often commented about how effective those safety-pin style spinners are for perch. The pickerel liked them too.

    The photos show two fish with the spinners in their mouths.

    2021-04-11-001.jpg 2021-04-11-002.jpg
    John Veil
    Native Watercraft Manta Ray 11, Falcon 11

    Author - "Fishing in the Comfort Zone" , "Fishing Road Trip - 2019", "My Fishing Life: Two Years to Remember", and "The Way I Like to Fish -- A Kayak Angler's Guide to Shallow Water, Light Tackle Fishing"

  • #2
    John, that is great. From the looks of it, those picks did not want to let go of Stu's spinner even when they were out of the water. That is good to hear. I have only had one good day in the Severn this year. I look forward to some pickerel fishing and I will be sure to bring my bignose spinners. Thanks for the report.

    Also, I understand how you feel about keeping the fish out of water too long. I have not found a good method of taking pics of fish yet, which is why I never post any. I have been paying attention to the methods employed by the members of the forum and I have ordered the RamXMount with the hopes of joining everyone in the 21st century soon.


    • #3
      Originally posted by UnkleRob2020 View Post

      Also, I understand how you feel about keeping the fish out of water too long. I have not found a good method of taking pics of fish yet, which is why I never post any. I have been paying attention to the methods employed by the members of the forum and I have ordered the RamXMount with the hopes of joining everyone in the 21st century soon.
      Rob -

      For me the key is having the necessary tools available to use quickly. I carry an 18-year-old water-resistant digital camera around my neck on a lanyard/strap. All I need to do is pull the camera out from inside my PFD, turn the power on, and aim using the optical viewfinder while holding the fish with my other hand. I also have my Hawg Trough measuring board in a spot where I can grab it quickly. Unlike many of the younger guys, I do not use my cell phone to take on-the-water photos. Also, I do not have any cameras mounted on my kayak, my head, or elsewhere. Since I usually fish alone, that explains why there are relatively few shots showing me holding fish. After kayak fishing for 20 years, I have plenty of photos showing me with fish (actually enough to fill 4 books). Fishing with a guide, when a particularly large or unusual fish gets caught, I let the guide snap the photo while I hold the fish.

      Finally, unlike many others on this board (and I concede that I am a finicky, independent thinker when it comes to rigging my kayak), I am not convinced that using a landing net is any easier on the fish than my practice of grabbing it with a gloved hand, popping the barbless hook loose with my other hand, and either releasing it or getting it ready for a quick photo. The only reason I would carry a landing net is if I wanted to put fish in the cooler. Otherwise, it is just one more piece of gear that offers potential to snag my lure with no obvious benefit to the fish. I am not saying that a net is wrong for others, but it is not an item I choose to use -- I see no advantage to having it onboard.

      One of the problems I have with CPR (catch, photo, and release) tournaments is that many anglers: a) are not prepared to do a quick photo, b) they take extra time laying the squirming fish on a measuring board to show the maximum length, c) they are more worried about their tournament entry than about the health/conservation of the fish. That is one of the reasons why I stopped fishing in tournaments many years ago.
      Last edited by J.A. Veil; 10-19-2021, 02:51 PM.
      John Veil
      Native Watercraft Manta Ray 11, Falcon 11

      Author - "Fishing in the Comfort Zone" , "Fishing Road Trip - 2019", "My Fishing Life: Two Years to Remember", and "The Way I Like to Fish -- A Kayak Angler's Guide to Shallow Water, Light Tackle Fishing"


      • #4
        Nice going on the picks. That’s a good start for the winter fishing in the Severn waters.
        John Rentch

        Native Ultimate 12 FX Pro
        Hobie Revolution 11


        • #5
          I'm looking forward to actually finding some time to fish them myself, once the High School Football season is over.

          I'm enjoying listening to how y'all are catching fish on my lures, but I'd really like to fish in person rather than vicariously!

          I hope the warmish weather holds up.


          • #6
            Nice going John! Those spinners catch so many species of fish and pickerel are pretty cool fish to catch. Thanks for the report and the photos.


            • #7
              Nice, John. Rob was kind enough to give me a big-nose spinner last time we were out. Looking forward to giving it a try.

