Launced from Harbor Hosp at 12:30 and trolled out towards the ferry bar channel, picked up 3 stripers along the way between buoy #10 after that made my way into the the ferry channel to buoy# 3 without another hit. Tide and current were running good and it was a nice day to be out. Made a U turn and headed back to the #7 buoy where "chimo" reported catching them sunday, well made a bunch of circles and marked some fish but no bites after about 30 min decided to troll back towards the hospital and picked up 2 more stripers again at buoy #10 continued my troll back without another bite.
All fish caught today were 14" to 17" , but was still a nice day out on the water.
All fish caught today were 14" to 17" , but was still a nice day out on the water.