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Potomac cats, 1/29

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  • Potomac cats, 1/29

    Kevin and I went out on a cat hunt today. I initially wanted to launch at the National Colonial Farm at Bryan Point. The website said there was a kayak launch near the fishing pier and boat pier, and it was close to deeper water. When we got there, we found that it would take a 4-wheeler or several mules and an elaborate pulley system to launch and retrieve kayaks there. The forest was kind of thick around the shore, and there was a good drop off down to the water. I'd love to know what kind of kayaks they think can be launched there.

    Our second choice was a boat ramp at Marshall Hall, and that turned out to be a good one. It's a nice boat ramp, and there is deep water relatively near by. I don't know what time we hit the water, but it was probably around 11:30 (a few U-turns were involved on the way to both places). I headed toward deeper water looking for marks while Kevin started drifting. I found some nice marks between 20-25ft of water, anchored, and rigged up. I had a fish finder rig using a 1oz bullet weight on one rod and another fish finder rig with a float and 2oz pyramid weight on the other rod. The float was between the weight and the hook to keep the bait off the bottom. Around 12:30, I noticed the rod with the float was bouncing. As I reeled in that fish, my other rod went off.

    Here's the first fish, which was my biggest for the day and was around 20" or so:

    I had to remove this fish from the gene pool because it managed to gut-hook itself on a circle hook.

    The other fish was a bit smaller:

    Shortly thereafter, Kevin hooked up:

    I picked up 17-incher a little while later, and Kevin came up with a double, too:

    All told, I ended up with 4 cats, all caught on cut menhaden. Kevin ended up with 5, all of which came in on nightcrawlers and minnows. I tried nightcrawlers to no avail. I saw a bunch of different marks in deeper water (25-28ft), including what appeared to be bigger cats, stripers, and perch. I wanted to try a bottom rig with nightcrawlers, but I was having serious issues with tangles today. The wind and current were at odds all day, which made drifting really hard. Even anchoring was a problem because my kayak kept ending up side to the waves, which continued to build until we left, which was around 2 or 2:30. I think I caught all my fish while anchored. The water temperature according to my sonar at the end of the day was 42-43*, which I think was probably pretty accurate. The water felt fridge-cold but not freezing cold. Water temperature at Piscataway was 39* earlier this month, and it's been pretty warm lately.

    It was good fishing with Kevin again, and he added a new species to his resume as well as his January fish. I was happy to get a January fish that wasn't foul-hooked. Plus, it was cool checking out a couple of new spots.
    Last edited by ictalurus; 01-30-2012, 12:20 PM. Reason: Had the wrong number for Kevin
    Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
    Yellow Tarpon 120

  • #2
    Nice cats guys!!
    Mike S.
    Hobie Outback
    Chesapeake Bay Kayak Anglers
    3D Printed Hobie Hatch Bucket


    • #3
      Nice work! I too tried to launch at Colonial Farm once based on their website claim about the launch. Turns out they had one but it was destroyed in the last hurricane. They told me last July it would be repaired within a month, guess they were wrong.

      I was trying to get to the cove right off of their boardwalk. The week before I tried to launch there I caught 3 YP, 1 catfish and four 3 lb LM Bass in an hour off of the lay downs, rocks, and grass in that cove.


      • #4
        Good work, Guys- The wind was blowing pretty good yesterday- I was seriously thinking about getting the Ugly Duck out but I have a trip to Buffalo, NY, today and needed to spend some time with the family (just getting home from New Orleans) and next week off to Kittery, Maine.

        The Potomac River Blue catfish are awesome- They are a dependable resource and can bend a rod, especially when you hook into a really big one- Bill- the cut bunker (menhaden) on a fish finder rig is the secret to catching cats- big bait, big fish- Bull river minnow works, too. Southern Maryland has a lot of public launches on the river and it tributaries- I think Mattawoman Creek and Port Tobacco River are two hot spots for big Potomac blue cats- as well as the Harry Nice Bridge-
        "Lady Luck" 2016 Red Hibiscus Hobie Outback, Lowrance Hook2-7TS
        2018 Seagrass Green Hobie Compass, Humminbird 798 ci HD SI
        "Wet Dream" 2011 yellow Ocean Prowler 13
        Charter member of Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club


        • #5
          Nice going!!
          <insert witty comment here>


          • #6
            Thanks, gents.

            nay_sayer--I think they said it will be repaired this year, but I still don't know how you would launch a yak there even if it is repaired. You would be sliding it up and down stairs as far as I can tell, and not just one or two stairs, either. I might be OK for a light sit inside, but I think it'll be all but impossible to take a rigged SOT down there. Hopefully, they'll prove me wrong because I think that's a really fishy part of the river.

            Ron--I was going to give you a holler, but I wasn't sure where we would end up, and I also thought you were still in New Orleans. We were thinking of fishing under the Nice Bridge, but I wasn't sure how to target fish in water that deep, especially when they're suspended. Also, anchoring there would be impossible. Bushwood Wharf was another option, but there isn't a lot of structure there to concentrate the fish. The blues do provide a nice pullage fix this time of year.
            Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
            Yellow Tarpon 120


            • #7
              Well when I got home I found that my camera had not worked right and tyhe only usable pic is attached...sadly we don't have any pics of the water when things really got bumpy out there. What a roller coaster!
              I was especially happy with my new foul weather gear, especially the dry top. I was also that my new vhf is really waterproof since I dumped a whole minnow bucket of water on it in the rough chop....good as new.
              It was my first blue catfish. I had lots of fun. of would have been even better if I could master the art of the circle hook! I am just too impatient I think.
              Attached Files
              14.5 ft Sand colored Malibu X-Factor "the promise"
              2010 Hobie Outback "the Gift Horse II"


              • #8
                Man Bill, I need to hook up with you one day to go get those Kitty Kats


                • #9
                  I don't know, Martin, that sounds risky. I think I was fishing with you both times you got skunked. Our mojos must cancel each other out.
                  Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
                  Yellow Tarpon 120


                  • #10
                    You know...I think you are right....but the third time is the charm....


                    • #11
                      Nice winter pullage!
                      2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                      2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                      2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


                      • #12
                        Nice January fish! I saved the white perch scraps for chunking the big cats this coming weekend. Know of a good place to try? I have a new rod I want to try out...
                        Used to fish more.


                        • #13
                          I saw a video on tidalfish of a guy that caught a couple of 20 pounders farther up by DC. I didn't recognize the bridge, but you might if you check out the video. It was in the freshwater forum.

                          There's a spot in the Occoquan that holds big flatheads during the yellow perch run. Blues might be there, too. I'll send you a PM. I want to check that spot out one day, too.

                          When I went electrofishing with VDGIF in the Rapp, James, Mattaponi, and Pamunkey, the biggest fish were where the channel comes close to shore and the water was 20-25ft deep, i.e. the outside of river bends. Smaller fish were in the straighter areas with more consistent depth. This was during the summer, though. I'm not sure if it's the same in winter. I think the Potomac by the National Colonial Farm has slightly more favorable morphology for big fish than Marshall Hall, so it's a shame it would be almost impossible to launch there.

                          In the fall and spring, I think Capt. Mike Starrett catches big blues within sight of the marina on Piscataway Creek. It's about a mile paddle to deep water there, though. That's another spot I'd like to check out in the summer for blue cats and snakeheads.

                          Big blues can be caught at Fletcher's during the shad run, too. Ron has caught some nice ones around Bushwood Wharf and the Nice Bridge (Rt 301). I think there are a lot of places that hold big blues in the Potomac now. You can probably think of good places near you.

                          Catfish make distinctive marks on my fishfinder. Because they swim slowly, they make long horizontal lines, and they're usually in groups. I haven't been able to figure out size based on the marks yet, but I'm usually right about the marks being catfish. I've seen the marks halfway up the water column. Blues don't sit right on the bottom, so you'll want to keep your bait up with a long leader, a float, or a 3-way swivel. I saw more marks in deeper water (25-30ft) on Sunday.
                          Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
                          Yellow Tarpon 120


                          • #14
                            Thats why they call him Ictalurus!
                            WTG my friend. See you soon.


                            • #15
                              nice fish guys, cant wait to get back on the water!

