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Harbor Hospital today... Bad idea

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  • Harbor Hospital today... Bad idea

    Not one of my brighter moments but I decided to try fishing around Harbor Hospital today. Lesson learned, winds from the west, northwest and gusts to 40 mph, stay home or find another place to launch. Couldn't make it to where I wanted to fish so I beat myself up doing a little exploring. Last point that I should have stayed home when all the spray that was getting whipped up started freezing on my pfd. Lesson learned. Good Fishin


  • #2
    Wow, I cant believe you made it out. I got out of the house this morning at 9:30 and said I'm glad it wasnt like this yesterday... 25 degrees and windy ouch! Atleast you got out and gave it a try.
    Blue 2016 Hobie Outback
    Chesapeake Bay Kayak Anglers, Inc


    • #3
      Good effort anyway, Wayne. I've found that once the wind starts getting over 20-25mph, it almost doesn't matter what direction it's from, it's going to be a pain, especially this time of the year.
      Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
      Yellow Tarpon 120


      • #4
        Dude ........ you have been initiated and accepted into the Wacker Yaker club ........ congrats on the Extreme Yakfishin !!!!!!!!

        Just be safe .......... glad you made it back ok .......


        • #5
          At least it wasn't a complete loss. The tide was extremely low and I got to see some features that I didn't know before. A small sand bar next to the first channel marker, the pier that has CASPA written on the side is actually on pylons ( who knew ??? I thought it was concrete all the way down) where the sand bars tires shopping carts and trees are by the bridge on the other side of the Hospital, and I found a half dozen 2 -4 ounce sinkers on those snags Kept expecting to find a dead body or something lol. Good fishin



          • #6
            Originally posted by chimo View Post
            At least it wasn't a complete loss. The tide was extremely low and I got to see some features that I didn't know before. A small sand bar next to the first channel marker, the pier that has CASPA written on the side is actually on pylons ( who knew ??? I thought it was concrete all the way down) where the sand bars tires shopping carts and trees are by the bridge on the other side of the Hospital, and I found a half dozen 2 -4 ounce sinkers on those snags Kept expecting to find a dead body or something lol. Good fishin

            Dead body's don't last too long there .......... crabs and chemicals get them quick ..........


            • #7
              MOC and i went to the tuckahoe r. yesterday and crossed the bb at 0630 and the bay was calm by 830 things were a lot different found a few nice places to launch but no fish biting. coming back around 1:00 the bay was realy whipped up 3' white caps across the whole bay. at least its getting a good flushing

