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Stoney Creek Skunfest

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  • Stoney Creek Skunfest

    Well, I wanted to check out the car-top launch at Green Haven Wharf on Stoney Creek in Pasadena and fish what appeared to be a "fishy" looking creek. The actual kayak launch is a tiny "beach", access to which is down a small set of steps.
    I talked my neighbor into fishing with me. He has been fishing from a kayak only a few times. We launched an headed up creek toward an area that looked good from google maps. Lots of wooded shoreline with downed trees. I was surprised at how shallow most of it was. The deepest areas of the channels were only 4-5 feet and the areas closer to the shore were much shallower. Fished for two hours with nary a bite or curious pickerel.

    Here is a link to the map:
    Hobie PA 12

  • #2
    No fish is a bummer, but all the time you are putting in will reap the rewards in the end....


    • #3
      Over the years I haven't heard any significant reports concerning pickerel in any of the tribs to the Patapsco. A few show up from time to time but nothing in numbers that would prompt me to target them. The only pickerel I have encountered in the Patapsco were two dinks I caught years ago from the Belle Grove Ponds.

      Also heard of a few caught in the general area of the Harbor Hospital. I fish this area a lot, scores of trips over the years, with lures that pickerel will hit and I haven't caught any. Seems like the area back beyond the RR pivot bridge would be a prime spot for them.

      There's also a decent car-top launch on Curtis Creek at the end of Carbide Road at an obscure, low-level county park called Solley's Cove Park. The road to the launch eventually turns into a gravel road that ends at either a American Legion or VFW, can't remember which. Easy 50' carry. There's no signage indicating it's a launch point, just a short/wide trail to the water. I'm sure it officially listed by AA County as an approved car-top launch point. Solley's Cove Park shows up on the AA County Map Book. I've caught stripers, blues and wperch there. Lots of shore structure, lots of it VERY old stuff to include old sunken boats, tugs and barges. There's even a large 100' wooden hulled boat sunk and burned-out. I mean, how long has it been since the last wooden hulled cargo ship was built??? For me, Curtis Creek is pretty much a late summer and fall destination. I've gone as far out as the Beltway Bridge. It's worth a look-see.

      16' Oldtown Camper Canoe with a side-mount 40# thrust trolling motor.


      • #4
        Thanks for the recon and info. Most of my recon trips end up skunky, too. I'm always hoping to find that secret, super-productive perch or pickerel spot.
        Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
        Yellow Tarpon 120


        • #5
          Maybe this post was just disinformation to discourage others from fishing Stony Creek
          Hobie PA 12


          • #6
            LOL my old house is 3 houses up from east shore. yuck my old pool is all green! didnt have a kayak back then only boats but used to take my nieces to the wharf for some white perch when they were little. old timers said they would get blues and rock back there but not now. thats sloop cove

