so i am going to bas pro tommorow an di have a 400 dollar bidget and i have a shoping list i wanted to i am getting a curado reel with a shimano teramr southeast casting rod 7 foot medium heavy action,i am getting one pack of 20 pound test power pro for the reel,then im getting 2 packs of fishbites for the summer, im getting a new cast net because mine died do to a stray crabpot
. so i have never thrown bigger than 4 foot and i inherited a 10 foot but i cant throw it at i am getting a 7 or 8 foot bass pro shops net with 1/4 inch mesh and i want to buy this little toy that looks so amazing i have looked it up on youtube and it seems to work excellent so here is is also i have 23 dollars in west marine credit so ill be getting the hooks and gulp for the year for redfish flounder trout in nc and blues and striper in maryland if there is anything else anyone thinks i should buy please let me know because it would help alot thanks
