hey everyone. so today after school i picked up some nightcrawlers from west marine then headed off to black walnut cove with my dad to fish for perch. so i went to the spot where i caught them yesterday and i scooped up about 50 grasshrimp and then rigged my dad up and we began catching fish after fish after fish. the grass shrimp were to fragile to pop the bobber so we just casting into shallows and let it sit for a couple seconds. we were using the bobber shad dart rig again. we caught tons of fish on night crawler, grass shrimp. gulp and minnows. every bait works but the grassshrimp and minnows worked the best and the gulp caught a couple big ones. the night crawlers caught mabye 5 perch
. the 2 biggest fish today were 12 and 11.5 there is a picture below of the two next to a 12 inch ruler. (well actually 12.5 considering the extra before the 1 mark and after the 12 mark). but i am going out again tomorrow and the fishing is great! i also snagged a dead carp. i was surprised it was in salt/brackish water but i see them jump sometimes. we only kept like 10 fish but caught probably 50-80 fish all together tight lines !
