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Fletchers 4-21-12

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  • Fletchers 4-21-12

    Saturday was awesome!!! Spent 10 hours on the water and got dehydrated because catching so many fish I didn't stop to drink! (Kinda of Dumb!!!)

    If I caught 50 shad, I caught a hundred. Actually, caught 4 species, shad, cats, white perch, and stripper. Best day in decades! Caught 10 cats in less than 45 minutes. Had trouble putting hand behind cats' dorsal fin to hold 'em while I tried to get the hooks out because of size.

    Best lesson learned was from several comments from the meet and greet--use a rock for your anchor!! Actually got emotionally tied to the rock. Hated to leave it on the shore.

    Great fishing in sight of the capital!

  • #2
    Nice, gotta love those days...


    • #3
      Whoa! Sweet! Nice going... good call on the rock anchor.
      Mike S.
      Hobie Outback
      Chesapeake Bay Kayak Anglers
      3D Printed Hobie Hatch Bucket


      • #4
        Impressive indeed. Sounds like the hickory shad are still going strong. Its about time for the American shad to show up again after a brief showing in mid to late March. The increase is flow due to recent rains may be all they need to prompt them to arrive in force at Fletchers. If you think hickory shad are a great fish to catch then you will REALLY like the American shad (aka: White Shad). They tend to be 2X bigger. While hickories can easily be caught from shore, not so much for the Whites. That's when being in a kayak out in Fletchers Cove will give you a decisive advantage.

        16' Oldtown Camper Canoe with a side-mount 40# thrust trolling motor.


        • #5
          That's an awesome day. I usually remember to drink while fishing, but I often don't eat and end up ravenous for the next two days. Anyway, congrats on the epic trip.
          Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
          Yellow Tarpon 120


          • #6
            I was thinking of going to Fletchers today but I just found on the usgs website that Potomac temps have dropped 10F since you were there on Saturday. That can't be good, I think I'll wait another day or two before giving it a try.

            16' Oldtown Camper Canoe with a side-mount 40# thrust trolling motor.


            • #7
              Thanks for the update on the white shad. I'll try and get out when they run. The darts that seemed to work for me happened to be the green and hot pink. A gentleman next to me in a Fletcher's boat was using a red and white and was really killing them. I talked with him and started a faster and action filled retrieve and it really improved the strikes.

              Next weekend down to N.C. to catch some bigger fish. Let me know if you guys run into anything this weekend!


