We left the day after Christmas to stay down in Buxton NC for a weeks worth of fishing. Rented a house so we would not need to climb stairs at our normal place right on the beach. Well that went bad due to no key in the lock box to the house. Host was not contactable so we checked to our normal hotel room on the beach. Got a full refund from AIRBNB next day. First day was cloudy and cold and I scored a nice in the slot black drum and bunch of small fish. Oh and a few doggies. Next day was very nice with a balmy 60 degrees and light wind at the beach. Caught mostly small fish and more doggies. Third day was cold and bone chilling winds. Lasted as long as I could and packed in early. Forth day was nice again and we fished till dark with many different kinds of fish caught. But nothing for the freezer. Fifth day was not bad if you had a wind break. I hooked 7 big sharks and lost them all after 20 minute fights. Out of shark rigs and bait we called it a day and packed up to go home next day Jan 2nd. The drive off Pea Island was a total white out with sand blowing over the dunes. Truck was sandblasted good. It was a great trip all in all. I have lots of pics and a video of me fighting a shark. Please notice the disgust at the end of the video. LOL..

And the video..
Capt Mike

And the video..
Capt Mike