Originally posted by Meadeo
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Potomac 5/4
I still have several bags of blue catfish filets in my freezer- I don't keep anything but Blue cats- too easy to catch a big mess, so why bother with bullheads, flatheads or channel cats?
And they taste great thawed out and fried-"Lady Luck" 2016 Red Hibiscus Hobie Outback, Lowrance Hook2-7TS
2018 Seagrass Green Hobie Compass, Humminbird 798 ci HD SI
"Wet Dream" 2011 yellow Ocean Prowler 13
Charter member of Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club
Boy you guys bring back memories. I grew up in that part of PG county and fished those areas as a kid forty years ago. It sounds like the large shallow bay you refer to south of Ft. Washington is Piscataway bay. The fishing was always good in the actual creek further upstream. Lots of old guys would set up dip nets made with cut tree limbs on fulcrums to catch shad in the spring. The creek to the north would be Swann Creek and the marina would be Tantallon marina (named for the then upscale housing development). As for the catfish we always refrained from eating those from that area for just that reason. It was rumored that the runoff and dicharge from the WSSC Blue Plains waste water plant just north of the Wilson bridge was a major source of pollution and contamination as was the large number of now defunct industrial plants on the Anacostia river just a few miles north.
Originally posted by Meadeo View PostAlso from my experience Channel Catfish always have yellowish meat with a strong odor of earthy mud.
MeadeoBlue cats sometimes have it, too, in the fatty strip that runs along the back ridge.
Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
Yellow Tarpon 120
I never used to care much for catfish, but ever since I started eating blue cats, they are moving up the ladder of my favorite fish for the table. I always soak them in milk over night and then fry. Num Yummy! Flathead cats are pretty good too, but I can only catch them on the susky reservoir in the winter. I would consider channel cats to be ok, but only the 14-16 inch ones.
Ahh, you must have been in Piscataway Bay. I feel ya man, my first trip out was a HUGE struggle. I paddeled up and down that bay about 3 times, using almost the entire day to find the deep holes. I eventually gave up. I've been told by a buddy that the structure in the bay holds fish, but I have yet to see it. It looks very fishy with coves, eddies and structure, but there's also a bald eagle in that area that has first dibbs. I second the idea of moving to the northern tributary to Ft Wash. I've never been there but the charts look good. Another MKF'r had some luck in the creek of Piscataway that was also mentioned.-Jon
Revo 13
Woody mentioned on this thread that they use to catch Shad back in the day in Piscataway. Does anybody know if the Shad runs still occur there. I'm a Shad addict, and I'm obsessed with finding more Shad runs in our area. If Piscataway still has Shad, that would be a dream come true because it is so close to my house. Does anybody know about Shad runs in the Ft Washington area tributaries? Does that run still exist?