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Janes Island 6/16-17

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  • Janes Island 6/16-17

    Decided I wanted to hit the road and see some different water this weekend so I made a few phone calls. No campsites available at Lewes or Assateague but my girlfriend had wanted to see Smith Island and we were able to find a site at Janes Island. Fished part of the outgoing on Saturday afternoon and Outgoing / slack I think on Sunday morning. Fished 2 different areas with similar results. Saturday, launched and went straight out from the campground through the island to the rock hole. First fish was my first ever spec! About 12 inches from around some grass in +/- 3fow on a gulp shrimp jighead combo. Missed a couple others and then ended up working out a little deeper. Put on a fishbites 5 inch jerk shad and started picking up 10-13 inch croaker if 6 fow, 2 of which stayed in the yak for the grill and dinner that night Also picked a couple croaker up on a top and bottom rig baited wish fish bite pieces since I didn't have anything else. On the way back in I fished the channels through the island a little more and found a hole stacked with 8-14 inch stripers and had some fun with them. Total for the afternoon, 1 spec 8 or so croaker and about the same on Rock.

    Sunday launched at around 0545 and headed north. Worked my way out from the island to a 10 ft hole around some channel markers and started marking fish suspended and on the bottom. Couldn't hardly buy a bite though and when I did, I missed most of them or the fish came unhooked Tried jigging and casting a bucktail, 4 inch gulp swimming mullet and jerkshad and throwing a x-rap with only a few croaker to show for it. worked my way back into the shallower water around the island and working the marshes. Picked up a barely legal striper, some more micro stripers and missed a bunch of bites. As I was getting close to the launch I caught another spec, this one about 10 inches. Got back to the launch about 1030 having caught about 6 croakers, 6 rock and a spec.

    Would have loved to have spent some more time exploring around but had to spend some time doing the tourist thing with the girlfriend. Went out to Smith Island and was underwhelmed by the place but it looks like a sweet place to do some fishing! Lots of channels, isalnds, points, bars etc. Got me thinking that an overnight trip camping on one of the islands... Might have to look into that one. I didn't run into any flounder like I wanted but all in all it was a pretty good trip for my first time in the area. If anyone goes there and plans on fishing the marshy/island area be prepared to paddle. Had the mirage drive pulled and the rudder up a good portion of sunday because of the numerous sand bars. Good Fishin


    My first spec

    and one of my first croaker
    Last edited by chimo; 06-18-2012, 03:38 PM.

  • #2
    Nice going Chimo. Thanks for the report.
    2012 Hobie Revo 13'
    2012 Hobie PA12'


    • #3
      thanks for the report - Janes is on my 'list' for between aug-october, but most likely september.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Southerly View Post
        thanks for the report - Janes is on my 'list' for between aug-october, but most likely september.
        You piqued my curiosity.. If you don't mind sharing, what would you be targeting and why the late summer / early fall?



        • #5
          what i want = maryland redfish. what i'll target = specks, with an eye towards pupp drum if i can get a clue. hopefully, i can get a clue on western shore VA before then.

          spring and fall shouuld see specs get more into shallows. and fall is the traditional time for fish to get more active. also i should have better chance to get free for my fishing once school starts back up. hopefully avoid worst of the bugs and make the most of the fishing.
          Last edited by Southerly; 06-19-2012, 12:31 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Southerly View Post
            what i want = maryland redfish. what i'll target = specks, with an eye towards pupp drum if i can get a clue.

            spring and fall shouuld see specs get more into shallows. and fall is the traditional time for fish to get more active. hopefully avoid worst of the bugs and make the most of the fishing. also i can get free for my fishing once school starts back up.
            Thanks, and as for the bugs I can understand that! Horse flies, or I think I heard them called green flies down there, were in swarms almost big enough to carry you away if the misquoito's didn't drain you first


            • #7
              damn, so tons of bugs at the camp site? is these any camp site near water in MD that i wont lose a quart of blood at?


              • #8
                Originally posted by stupidjet View Post
                damn, so tons of bugs at the camp site? is these any camp site near water in MD that i wont lose a quart of blood at?
                I think they were worse on the water..... But long pants and sleeves, a thermacell and some bug juice would be recomended to anyone headed that way! The girlfriend was going to lay out on one of the beaches and read a book, lets just say that didn't work out well


                • #9
                  when the flies are doing their thing, they can be so relentless that you have to give up. and i was once swarmed by mosquitoes so bad tht i really think i would have died if had laid down. as it was, i literally ran away from them but my back was 100% bumpy like frog skin.

                  i think state/national parks don't spray for insects the way private parks do (but i don't know for certain what the policies are). frontier town and tom's cove are examples of private-owned park. of course frontier town is right across the way from the state and nat'l assateaque parks,...


                  • #10
                    dang Wayne we wernt more than 15 min from janes isl. sat morning. a good way to get out front there is to go straight out from the ramp and portage 100yds to the bay learned that the hard way. 4 miles around and 4 miles back against wind and current. did get a 13.5" spec so close but.....

