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Piney Point Large Spot / PLO Blues

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  • Piney Point Large Spot / PLO Blues

    Saturday 6/23

    Blues are here in good numbers.

    I was honestly kinda wanting a change in pace from all the croakers that have been around but decided to take a new kayaker out to Piney Point then PLO for some croakers. At both spots I was a bit worried due to cownose rays mating on the surface. They were thrashing around making it obvious that they were around. Luckily they stayed on the surface and we had no hook ups.


    I arrived at Piney Point at about 5:30. Paddled out to about 20' of water. ( First time paddling but I noticed that the depth went from 15 - 20 feet in a matter of 10 - 20 yards so I thought there might be a fairly decent drop of there so I anchored down there and fished. Pretty quick I was pulling in good eating size spot ( 8 - 10 inch) as well as 11- 13 inch croaker. They were caught on bloodworm. Was kinda upset because one spot that came up on a double hookup was the same size as the croaker that came up but it fell off. The croaker measured 12" so the spot had to have been at the very least 11". I am glad to see that this may be the start of a JUMBO spot run. I've missed them. I paddled through the bridge and straight out in front of the bridge at Piney Point. I would say that it had to have been atleast a third of a mile if not maybe half a mile.


    It was dead AT FIRST. For about an hour it was completely dead. I had paddled out a little deeper than my original post. I was in about 19 - 21 feet of water and not the original 18. The croakers made their appearance first but the bites were definitely not as hard and thrilling as it had been in weeks prior. Caught maybe 8 or so fairly quick then didn't really keep any more croakers cause I had limited space in my fridge. Threw a few back.

    Bluefish took the night over. Spot and 1 (legal size) croaker was the ticket to an awesome finish to the night. Ranging from 14" to 18"/19" it was a blast to fight this fish on the light tackle that I had been using for croakers. Drag screaming... it is a beautiful sound.

    My apologies though. I will take pics of the spot that I caught and post them in a bit as I am cleaning them, but the blues I had given away to the friend that came along. I dropped my phone at PLO my last trip so I couldn't take my chances again so it was locked up in my car this time around. (I will have a camera soon). I had 5 in the bag in no time and 4 had fallen off on the way to the boat. I know they were blues cause they made their infamous jump and splashing on the surface.
    The best time spent is time that doesn't feel like it was spent at all. When it's worth it you'll give everything to do it all over again no matter what the cost.

  • #2
    Sweet report. I'm glad the jumbo spot showed up at Piney Point, and nice croaker at PLO is a bonus, too. Next time you catch big croaker, you should stop by the Tackle Box in Lexington Park and enter it into the monthly big croaker contest. I think this month's leader is only 16".
    Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
    Yellow Tarpon 120

