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Mattawoman & Mallows Bay 8/24-26

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  • Mattawoman & Mallows Bay 8/24-26

    Split my time this weekend at Mattawoman and Mallows Bay and fishing for Blue Cats and Bass/Snakehead.

    Friday night started at Mallows bay around 1945 with a recon trip to see if I could locate some blue cats. Headed out through the wrecks fishing topwater a few average bass and a few missed strikes and set up shop in 14 fow around 2100 with a strong incomnig tide. Dropped 2 lines in with cut bunker and within 5 minutes was reeling in a 21" cat. Over the next half hour all I managed was for the crabs to steal my bait though so I relocated out to 17 fow. Turned out to be a good decision. Over the next 45 minutes or so 5 more cats 18"-26"'s came to the boat with a bunch of missed runs and crabs stealing bait keeping me busy in the meantime. I also "donated" a few items to the fish gods too... First came my fish grippers still attached to a spunky 24 inch blue, then a 26 incher knocked my hawg trough overboard, of course I disconnected from my anchor and tried to chase it down to no avail and I get back to find my float disconnected from the anchor line > I tried snagging the line for another 20 minutes before deciding it must be a sign and heading for shallower water. Once back in the wrecks I fished a jitterbug for a while since there was all kinds of surface activity. Had a couple huge blow ups that I couldn't stick and caught a Bullhead??? That was a first for me! Called it a night around 0100 Saturday and went to catch a nap.

    Saturday, got on the water around 0500 and continued fishing towater around the wrecks until around 0900. The fish were much less aggressive than the night before and last weekend and a scum frog worked out better than the humpin toad. Caught 6 bass and missed a few more bites before I decided I would head to Mattawoman. Launched from the 225 Bridge and fished downstream on the incoming tide. Pretty slow here as well... Landed a couple bass and one snakehead around 26 inches that went through the hole for the mirage drive and promptly broke me off. Called it a day around 1400 so I could get back in time to drink a few brews with some friends.

    Sunday, Returned to Mattawoman with a co-worker and launched from the 225 bridge again to fish the outgoing. Launched around 0600 and headed downstream only to find the fishing slow slow slow... From the feel of the water all the rain had dropped the water temp alot in the last week. The water actually felt cold! My buddy managed to land a bass and I lost my biggest snakehead so far. Actually had it in the net before it jumped back out and spit the hook! It was an easy 35” er :/ With fishing so slow we decided to see if we could find the blue cats again. Left Mattawoman around 1000 and fished Mallows again. Went straight out to 18 fow and started banging the cats pretty good. In the next 90 minutes the 2 of us landed around 15-18 blues and channels from 12 – 35 inches. By this time another storm was rolling through and my buddy decided it was time to leave. I headed to shore for a break and then got back after it fishing until about 1400 for cats with another 10 or some landed and then switching over to bass and snakeheads again. Lost another big snakehead on the humpin toad, caught a couple small bass (toad), and then landed 2 snakehead on the scum frog to cap off my day around 1800.

    All in all, a decent weekend dodging storms with some quality fish, caught and lost, and a few nice rainbows! I’ll upload a few photos later

  • #2
    Chimo, you are hard core and dedicated! Great job sticking with it in the tough conditions. Bummer about the lost gear. My next time down that way I need to make an effort to catch some catfish. Looking forward to the pictures.

    So when you fish at night, what type of lighting do you use? I've never fished at night before, but want to give it a try.



    • #3
      Originally posted by DanMarino View Post
      So when you fish at night, what type of lighting do you use? I've never fished at night before, but want to give it a try.
      I have a yakattack flag light combo and a head lamp. The flag/light for safety when there is traffic around and the headlamp for everything else. I personally prefer using ambiaent light if possible, the red lens on my headlamp and then my white light when all else fails. Once your eyes adjust, you might be suprised on how much you can do without a light. It helps alot to fish an area during the day to understand the layout before tackling it at night too. Keep it simple and you can find some quality fish. Once things get complicated you knock things overboard, lines get tangled, hooks end up stuck in things they aren't supposed too and its a bear to fix in low visibilty. Don't ask me how I know any of that



      • #4
        Wow, that's a fishing marathon. I'm looking forward to the pics. Did anyone hassle you for staying out past closing time all Mallows Bay?

        You might be able to find your anchor at low slack tide. Maybe the current pulled the float under?

        One of the old timers I worked with used to catch nice channel cats in the evening on Jitterbugs regularly during the summer. Go figure.
        Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
        Yellow Tarpon 120


        • #5
          Originally posted by ictalurus View Post
          Did anyone hassle you for staying out past closing time all Mallows Bay?

          You might be able to find your anchor at low slack tide. Maybe the current pulled the float under?

          One of the old timers I worked with used to catch nice channel cats in the evening on Jitterbugs regularly during the summer. Go figure.
          Bill, There were a few other people there and it sounded like they were there after dark all the time. As for the anchor, I found the bouy floating free and the rope sank, pretty much sol I think. I know people say channels are the most predatory of the catfish but it still surprises me when I catch them on lures! Caught a 5lber on a spinnerbait once and have heard alot of people catching them on cranks. The topwater and a bullhead was just new to me.


          • #6
            Man, you were a fishing warrior. I need to try some night fishing soon if I can get some time. I still need to catch a snakehead so i can put him into my belly...


            • #7
              Ditto. You surely are hard core, and it paid off. I envy your stamina and energy too. Nice catches, even though you lost that big SH.
              2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
              2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
              2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


              • #8
                Originally posted by moc View Post
                I still need to catch a snakehead so i can put him into my belly...
                Ditch the mirage drive and fish the end of the incoming tide until the middle of the outgoing, way back in the junk, ie spatterbock and grass, with frogs and soft plastics. You can fish the edges and concentrate on points and cuts as well but I have more luck further in where the bass boats don't go


                • #9
                  A couple pics...

                  A couple of the blue cats from the first night

                  An unexpected catch. Haven't caught one of these buggers since I was in Georgia

                  2 snakeheads I kept. The larger is 24 inches

                  First time I have found anything in a snakeheads belly. 5 inch yellow perch.

                  Rainbow on sunday


                  • #10
                    Wow. I think you might be among the ranks of hardcore kayak fishermen like Rob Choi...
                    Sun Fishin'


                    • #11
                      Nice Chimo! A lot of Quality Fish!!

