Fished out of Hemingways on Labor day. Was on the water by about 7am and fished until 2ish. Caught a dozen spot off the second pillon from shore and went to the north span and started live lining. Caught my first fish at the first set of double pillons, a real nice mid 30 inch rock that I didn't get a picture of because my camera was stuck in my bag behind the seat
Released it and continued working my way out to deeper water. Ended up spending ost of the day fishing a set of double pillons on the north span in the 56A area ( I think...) Outgoing tide was ok but when the tide turned around and started incoming was when I did the best! Ended up landing 10-12, missing 6-8 runs and busting 3 off when they wrapped me around pillons or something on the bottom. 2 fish in the mid 30 inch range and the rest between 18-28
. Also caught some spot out deeper near the double pillon I was fishing after I used my first dozen. Larger spot in the 6 inch range seem to be getting better quality Rock for me anyways. Btw, people were chasing breaking fish around most of the day as well but it seemed to be nothing but small blues. Good fishin
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