Determined to shrug off the humiliation of needing to ditch my Kayak and walk back to the truck last sunday, I ventured out to Piney Point at around 5 PM tonight after work.
My fish finder was still on the blink, so I fished blind.....which usually works best for me anyway. I started fishing an area where I had been told there were trout being caught but it was a dry hole today. Not only that, but the comb jellyfish were so thick that it was like fishing in jell-o.
As I headed back to the bridge, I switched to a lure I had been fishing all summer. To date, I had done so with out it bringing a single bite. Today it was the killer lure. About 300 yards from the bridge I got a nice 16 inch Bluefish on it and the skunk was washed off. You can see the odd little yoZuri plug in several pictures.

After that nice blue, it was about 4 small rocks and a 13 inch trout (no pic) all on that lure. I also had 2 big hits that did not stick, I always think these are trout and that their soft mouth is the problem ....
My other rod was rigged with a tony spoon which caught several small blues and my usual Piney Point "Micro halibut"....I always seem to catch a tiny flounder here when I'm trolling
Then, suddenly, that tell-tale lunging strike, and I had a nice 16 inch Speckled Trout...again on the yoZuri plug that could not catch the bottom all summer long....
I love trout so I was a happy fellow
As the Moon rose and Sun set,
I started fishing topwater and nailed a nice 19 inch rock that really put on a show....leaping, tailwalking, taking off line (drag was set really light in case I caught more trout). Really fun....
Here is my Piney Point Slam....probably an incomplete slam since I did not catch a redfish today...

As I headed back to the bridge, I switched to a lure I had been fishing all summer. To date, I had done so with out it bringing a single bite. Today it was the killer lure. About 300 yards from the bridge I got a nice 16 inch Bluefish on it and the skunk was washed off. You can see the odd little yoZuri plug in several pictures.

After that nice blue, it was about 4 small rocks and a 13 inch trout (no pic) all on that lure. I also had 2 big hits that did not stick, I always think these are trout and that their soft mouth is the problem ....

My other rod was rigged with a tony spoon which caught several small blues and my usual Piney Point "Micro halibut"....I always seem to catch a tiny flounder here when I'm trolling

Then, suddenly, that tell-tale lunging strike, and I had a nice 16 inch Speckled Trout...again on the yoZuri plug that could not catch the bottom all summer long....

As the Moon rose and Sun set,
I started fishing topwater and nailed a nice 19 inch rock that really put on a show....leaping, tailwalking, taking off line (drag was set really light in case I caught more trout). Really fun....

Here is my Piney Point Slam....probably an incomplete slam since I did not catch a redfish today...
