Given the calm weather decided to make the much-anticipated trip to the nuke plant to fish the ridiculous discharge. Met up with my dad and buddy and launched around sunrise in heavy fog. A very challenging spot to jig given the ripping current and 30 ft depth. A much heavier jig is required. Difficulty was enhanced by idiots on boats motoring straight through the rips all day. Tough to say how degraded the fishing was due to that; it was painful to watch at times and crowded 4-7 boats all morning and afternoon.
Despite the challenges, I got 6 fish including 2 keeper size and 1 17" red. My dad had 2 25" fish--quite healthy and fat, great battles. Saw one guy on a boat catch 2 37" fish early morning before the clown show boat circus arrived.
I am convinced this place will improve with colder water temps and fewer boats. The best season of the year starts soon (catch and release) which should cut out a lot of traffic and make for fantastic weekday fishing when the schedule allows.
Hobies are the perfect platform to fish the rips--you can hold your position silently while fishing and drift whenever it suits your cast. All the boaters looked on in perplexed envy
Despite the challenges, I got 6 fish including 2 keeper size and 1 17" red. My dad had 2 25" fish--quite healthy and fat, great battles. Saw one guy on a boat catch 2 37" fish early morning before the clown show boat circus arrived.
I am convinced this place will improve with colder water temps and fewer boats. The best season of the year starts soon (catch and release) which should cut out a lot of traffic and make for fantastic weekday fishing when the schedule allows.
Hobies are the perfect platform to fish the rips--you can hold your position silently while fishing and drift whenever it suits your cast. All the boaters looked on in perplexed envy
