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friday perchin report

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  • friday perchin report

    got home from school today & got to my pier, started rainin within 10 minutes, i tried to wait it out but after 20 minutes i headed home, about 5 minutes after i got home the rain stopped. so after eating a poptart & drying off i went back down to my pier and got out 3 lines with bloodworms & grasss shrimp. started getting hit imediatly & first fish of the day was a nice 16 inch rock. after a few hours i had caught 30-40 perch ( all were 6-12 inches and almost all had eggs) & about 15 rock from 10-20 inches. tide was incoming, and wind got stronger and stronger slowly. rids were hand tied out of 14 pound test flouro carbon , with a small swivel, then 2 dropper loops, then a small duolock snap for the weight, no hits on wire bottom rigs with those eagle claw hooks. best rigs were the ones with a green bead, then no beads. the rigs with a red bead didnt catch that many. most of the smaller stripers came on bloods but the 15-20 inchers came on live mud minnows. had one blowup with a smackit which i wasnt expecting but he didnt come tight. biggest fish was a 21 inch rock caught on a bkd on a weighted 1/8th ounce swim bait hook. twitch, 3 seconds, twitch twitch repeat. got multiple rock on this as well but 21 was the biggest,im glad to see that spring is back


  • #2
    Ahh yes, a poptart, the fisherman's meal of champions. Now we know your secret.

    Nice report Andrew. I may have to go out on the river for some catch and release striper fishing. Looks like things are picking up.

