With the slight chance of Thunderstorms MytMouse and myself decided to take our chances and hit the Severn. We launched around 4:30pm to some hot and muggy weather. We first went to our preferred jigging location and found our spot in 16-19 feet of water. Once there We started catching some nice perch up to 11" with constant action. Myt even snagged a nice keeper croaker. The current was perfect then it came to a dead stop and the perch stopped biting. From there we paddled to our location where MetroMan, Grady Black, and I caught some nice croaker last week. We arrived at this location with bloodworms and raw shrimp . On the first drop I landed a nice croaker followed by another one. The action was pretty consistent with nice croaker, small perch and a few spot. As the sun started to set the weather was no longer hot and made for an excellent evening of fishing. Got off the water ambefore dark with plenty for dinner . I had leftover shrimp and BWs so I gave them to a shore fisherman with his younger son. They didnt have any bait so he was very appreciative. Before pulling the yak off the beach the gentlemen pulled in a nice croaker with his son cheering him on. Must have made his day. The croaker are still plentiful so go get em.
