Launched early this morning- all 16 and 17 inch fish- no keepers- 10 stripers up to 17 inches, four redfish 17, 17, 17 1/2, 17 1/2- 2 croakers, two perch- I really tried hard to find some keeper fish and some trout but struck out- at least no rays...
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St Jerome's Creek July 3rd
The best part of that report is "no Rays"I guess it is safe to hit one of my favorite kayak spots. I had sworn it off until they cleared out.
Multiple 17.5 inch reds...had to break your heart!14.5 ft Sand colored Malibu X-Factor "the promise"
2010 Hobie Outback "the Gift Horse II"
The reds fought good- lost several that were lightly hooked ran drag and were gone- the 17 inch striper were just as bad- nice fat footballs just an inch shy. I had most of the stripers at the mouth of the creek at the inlet where the breakers roll over the sandbar into five feet of water. The reds were scattered along the shoreline in shallow water of 2-3 feet deep. I used a homemade redfish magic with a bass assassin salt and pepper body slow rolled just bumping the bottom."Lady Luck" 2016 Red Hibiscus Hobie Outback, Lowrance Hook2-7TS
2018 Seagrass Green Hobie Compass, Humminbird 798 ci HD SI
"Wet Dream" 2011 yellow Ocean Prowler 13
Charter member of Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club
No keepers but good pullage nonetheless, nice going!