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Triton Beach 20 Oct 2013

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  • Triton Beach 20 Oct 2013

    I decide to try out Triton Beach today.

    Here are some pictures of the launch area:

    2013 20 Oct Triton Beach 1.jpg 2013 20 Oct Triton Beach Launch.jpg 2013 20 Oct Triton Beach Road.jpg 2013 20 Oct Triton Beach.jpg

    One thing to take note, is that you have to park your vehicle outside the gate entrance and hike it back to the launch area. I mistakenly parked next to the rails which had signs saying Parking (oops, sorry). The Ranger informed me of the rules when I was leaving. It's a good distance to hike back to the launch area.

    I managed to catch one keeper stiper (20") and lost another keeper (19') which flopped out of my kayak when I was trying to put him on the stringer..... I also caught 3 dings.

    I ran into Donv when I was there also.

    Outback 2015

  • #2
    Hi Paul, nice to meet you this morning. Sorry for your lost fish. We didn't get anything.
    We were trying to get you on the radio to give you a heads up about the parking and the ranger. He was pretty rude to us but me and the wife were as polite as could be and kind of disarmed him. At one time he comes out with " I don't know who you people are or where you come from and I don't know what you are hearing." He could have explained the situation a little more clearly without the rudeness. I have a feeling he is not to happy with the changes at the park, appears he lives there. Anybody heading there may want to be very careful with following the rules. The best I could get was that people with existing permits for this year can park there near the launch but no one else can. I tried to get an answer as to if they were doing away with parking there now that no permits are required and really didn't get a clear answer. The whole section there along the fence is marked as Parking and the other vehicle there this morning was showing no permit of any kind. He actually didn't say anything to us about parking outside the gate and did mention the parking up by the gate in the park. I went back and read Lisa's thread and she states that parking in the park is fine and the lot across is just for overflow. I believe the rules may be being made on a whim. Her is the quote from Lisa.

    The permit to drive into the park is eliminated. You can drive in, drop off your boat at a loading zone near the beach and park either inside or outside the park. The vacant lot across from the park entrance will be used for overflow parking.
    I'd like to get a clearer idea as to what the actual rules are and if anybody could pipe in it would be appreciated.
    Last edited by DonV; 10-20-2013, 11:47 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by DonV View Post
      I'd like to get a clearer idea as to what the actual rules are and if anybody could pipe in it would be appreciated.
      Both these links give the same phone number to find out how to use the park.... but they are closed tomorrow Tuesday.

      (410) 222-1777

      Why don't you guys call them on Wednesday and let us know.

      I had no problems using the park and understanding the rules and had a wonderful time.
      And I had no problems with the 'ranger' at the house next to the park.


      • #4
        Originally posted by rob-kayak View Post

        I had no problems using the park and understanding the rules and had a wonderful time.
        And I had no problems with the 'ranger' at the house next to the park.
        I had a wonderful time also nice place. Just confused as to where to park as both me and the other kayaker there were told conflicting information as to if parking inside the gate is allowed. Did you park inside or outside the gate? At the top or bottom?


        • #5
          I'd like to try this launch soon too. Ill try and call later today, but it looks like some have been able to park by the launch and some haven't? Congrats on getting a keeper Goody!
          2013 Yellow Hobie Outback
          Kayak Fishing Blog - Cymbula Piscator


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nitefly View Post
            I'd like to try this launch soon too. Ill try and call later today, but it looks like some have been able to park by the launch and some haven't? Congrats on getting a keeper Goody!
            Parking by the launch for me is what seemed to get the park guy upset. I was told to park up top but by what Goody says he was old to park outside at the overflow lot. If you do find out something please post back.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DonV View Post
              Parking by the launch for me is what seemed to get the park guy upset. I was told to park up top but by what Goody says he was old to park outside at the overflow lot. If you do find out something please post back.
              Correction...I was told to park at the front entrance. I assumed that he meant to park on the outside part of the fence cause that's where I saw the other cars parked.

              Outback 2015


              • #8
                Thanks for the clarification Goody. Seems all is well with the world.


                • #9
                  There are changes to the policies for the launch at Beverly-Trition.
                  The website listed above has changed recently (in the last month or so...)

                  The website used to state...
                  "The public can access the Beverly-Triton Beach Park without a vehicle permit by walking into the park. If you drive a vehicle in the park, you need to purchase a yearly vehicle permit sold at Quiet Waters Park for $75 each. Cash or checks only. Contact Quiet Waters Park at (410) 222-1777 for more information."

                  This information is no longer on the website link mentioned above.

                  I spoke to Quiet Waters about a month or so ago and they told me that a new policy will be in effect for 2014... they could not elaborate at the time as to what they would be. But it has to do with access and and the permitting process.
                  I could not tell from the conversation if they were going to eliminate parking completely, even outside the gates.

                  I do not remember what the signs on the gates said when I was last there... I do know they were closed and may have been locked. The walk in gate was unlocked... and as I knew from the website that I couldn't drive down without a permit I didn't even bother to look at the "car" gates.

                  I was surprised you guys drove down the road... so either there wasn't a sign... the gates were open... or whatever to gain access to the road. The website link I provided above no longer has the comment I posted above.
                  From the permit application it specifically mentions about the gates being locked....
                  5. Permit holder is responsible for ensuring that the entrance gate is closed and locked upon entering and exiting the park. Failure to properly secure the gate will result in revoking of permit.

                  I do not know what the policy is now... I was hoping somebody would have called the Quiet Waters Park and gotten an official current policy... considering you had confrontations.

                  I was surprised the "ranger" didn't even say you could not drive down the road without a permit as mentioned in the comment I posted above.

                  Observing what the policy used to be and the information that used to be on the Beverly-Triton "Cartop Boat Launch" I parked outside the gates, I carted in my kayak walking down the road. Saw the ranger... said hello... etc etc.. no problems. There were numerous other visitors to the park that day... everybody parked outside the gates. Nobody parked down by the water or inside the gates.

                  Until I call myself or somebody else makes and effort and calls Quiet Waters, or talks to the ranger exactly if we can drive down that road as a drop off... I'll park outside the gates and walk down the road. It's a very easy walk, hard path.

                  You can view the previous version of the website rules and the permitting process here...

                  But as I mentioned.. there are changes, maybe already now... but definitely for 2014.
                  Last edited by rob-kayak; 10-24-2013, 08:06 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rob-kayak View Post
                    There are changes to the policies for the launch at Beverly-Trition.
                    The website listed above has changed recently (in the last month or so...)

                    The website used to state...
                    "The public can access the Beverly-Triton Beach Park without a vehicle permit by walking into the park. If you drive a vehicle in the park, you need to purchase a yearly vehicle permit sold at Quiet Waters Park for $75 each. Cash or checks only. Contact Quiet Waters Park at (410) 222-1777 for more information."

                    This information is no longer on the website link mentioned above.

                    I spoke to Quiet Waters about a month or so ago and they told me that a new policy will be in effect for 2014... they could not elaborate at the time as to what they would be. But it has to do with access and and the permitting process.
                    I could not tell from the conversation if they were going to eliminate parking completely, even outside the gates.

                    I do not remember what the signs on the gates said when I was last there... I do know they were closed and may have been locked. The walk in gate was unlocked... and as I knew from the website that I couldn't drive down without a permit I didn't even bother to look at the "car" gates.

                    I was surprised you guys drove down the road... so either there wasn't a sign... the gates were open... or whatever to gain access to the road. The website link I provided above no longer has the comment I posted above.
                    From the permit application it specifically mentions about the gates being locked....
                    5. Permit holder is responsible for ensuring that the entrance gate is closed and locked upon entering and exiting the park. Failure to properly secure the gate will result in revoking of permit.

                    I do not know what the policy is now... I was hoping somebody would have called the Quiet Waters Park and gotten an official current policy... considering you had confrontations.

                    I was surprised the "ranger" didn't even say you could not drive down the road without a permit as mentioned in the comment I posted above.

                    Observing what the policy used to be and the information that used to be on the Beverly-Triton "Cartop Boat Launch" I parked outside the gates, I carted in my kayak walking down the road. Saw the ranger... said hello... etc etc.. no problems. There were numerous other visitors to the park that day... everybody parked outside the gates. Nobody parked down by the water or inside the gates.

                    Until I call myself or somebody else makes and effort and calls Quiet Waters, or talks to the ranger exactly if we can drive down that road as a drop off... I'll park outside the gates and walk down the road. It's a very easy walk, hard path.

                    You can view the previous version of the website rules and the permitting process here...

                    But as I mentioned.. there are changes, maybe already now... but definitely for 2014.
                    Rob - The ranger said that you can drive down to the turn around area and drop off your kayak but need to park at the front entrance area.

                    Outback 2015


                    • #11
                      I have an answer.

                      You can drop your boat and gear at the turnaround area near the beach and park either inside the fence on the gravel lot between the chainlink fence and the portapotty enclosure & dumpster, or park outside the gate on the gravel lot along the chainlink fence by the road.

                      The overflow parking lot will be the big vacant lot across the road from the park entrance. I haven't yet seen the chain off the entrance to the vacant lot.

                      I believe that the people who bought the $75/calendar year permit to drive into and park in the park will be allowed to park along the split rail fence near the beach with the "Parking" sign through the end of the year. It's mostly kiteboarders who bought those permits. There will no longer be permits sold or required to drive into Beverly-Triton Beach Park.

                      Permanent signs explaining all this are on order. A few temporary signs and some zipties from Home Deport might have prevented some confusion.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rob-kayak View Post
                        There are changes to the policies for the launch at Beverly-Trition.
                        The website listed above has changed recently (in the last month or so...)

                        The website used to state...
                        "The public can access the Beverly-Triton Beach Park without a vehicle permit by walking into the park. If you drive a vehicle in the park, you need to purchase a yearly vehicle permit sold at Quiet Waters Park for $75 each. Cash or checks only. Contact Quiet Waters Park at (410) 222-1777 for more information."

                        This information is no longer on the website link mentioned above.

                        I spoke to Quiet Waters about a month or so ago and they told me that a new policy will be in effect for 2014... they could not elaborate at the time as to what they would be. But it has to do with access and and the permitting process.
                        I could not tell from the conversation if they were going to eliminate parking completely, even outside the gates.

                        I do not remember what the signs on the gates said when I was last there... I do know they were closed and may have been locked. The walk in gate was unlocked... and as I knew from the website that I couldn't drive down without a permit I didn't even bother to look at the "car" gates.

                        I was surprised you guys drove down the road... so either there wasn't a sign... the gates were open... or whatever to gain access to the road. The website link I provided above no longer has the comment I posted above.
                        From the permit application it specifically mentions about the gates being locked....
                        5. Permit holder is responsible for ensuring that the entrance gate is closed and locked upon entering and exiting the park. Failure to properly secure the gate will result in revoking of permit.

                        I do not know what the policy is now... I was hoping somebody would have called the Quiet Waters Park and gotten an official current policy... considering you had confrontations.

                        I was surprised the "ranger" didn't even say you could not drive down the road without a permit as mentioned in the comment I posted above.

                        Observing what the policy used to be and the information that used to be on the Beverly-Triton "Cartop Boat Launch" I parked outside the gates, I carted in my kayak walking down the road. Saw the ranger... said hello... etc etc.. no problems. There were numerous other visitors to the park that day... everybody parked outside the gates. Nobody parked down by the water or inside the gates.

                        Until I call myself or somebody else makes and effort and calls Quiet Waters, or talks to the ranger exactly if we can drive down that road as a drop off... I'll park outside the gates and walk down the road. It's a very easy walk, hard path.

                        You can view the previous version of the website rules and the permitting process here...

                        But as I mentioned.. there are changes, maybe already now... but definitely for 2014.
                        I second Goody. After Goody's clarification I think everything is fine. I do wonder why he only saw people parked outside the gates though. There is not a lot of room inside the gates at the top. Parking at the top lot inside the gates should be fine as it what the park guy told me.

                        Do not park at the bottom near the launch. It is designated as Parking but by what the ranger told me they are just letting people that had purchased the permits for this year use it. There is a small handwritten sign on the first post you come to stating, parking by permit only. Yes you can drive down the road to the launch, I specifically asked. His only problem was parking at the spots near the launch. I believe the gates will now stay open and they were open when we went. As stated in my earlier post I couldn't really get a clear answer as to if parking at the launch area will still be available next year after no more permits are in play. It is only maybe four or five spots along the fence. We seem to be in a interim period and may have to wait till next year to see how it all plays out.


                        • #13
                          ... I do wonder why he only saw people parked outside the gates though. There is not a lot of room inside the gates at the top. Parking at the top lot inside the gates should be fine as it what the park guy told me.
                          "He" do you mean "me" Rob ??? since you quote in the above message...
                          It was earlier in the year... when everybody was abiding by the "current" rules. Not last weekend.

                          Well it sounds like the park will be open and easy access.
                          Last edited by rob-kayak; 11-18-2013, 08:55 AM.


                          • #14
                            I meant Goody by "he". He mentioned that when he left everyone was parked in the overflow lot.

