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A quick sunset pedal

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  • A quick sunset pedal

    The weather was so nice today that I just had to take my Hobie Pro Angler out for a second trip before dinner. I launched into Piney Creek in Tall Timbers at about 5:00 and pedaled to the mouth of the creek. I trolled the creek mouth and the nearby river for 30 minutes or so with no luck at all. I started back to my launch point and could see bait swirling about a 1/4 mile away. I pedaled like crazy with my 3/4 ounce Rat-L-Trap dragging along behind me. Just prior to reaching the point where I saw all the action I hooked up on a 16" striper in about 3 feet of water. After releasing that fish I started casting the Rat-L-Trap into the area where the fish were jumping. I got three more in quick succession in the 12-16" range. The sun was getting low in the cloudy sky and I figured I should head on back to the launch. With that the wind picked up and really convinced me it was time to head home. I was putting stuff away by 6:13. It a great evening.

    I checked the weather at Piney Point after I got home. At 6:00 the wind was 1.9, at 6:06 it was blowing 6, at 6:12 it was blowing at 21 with 25 knot gusts. Boy am I glad I hadn't gone to Stewart's pier or something crazy.

    I don't post too often but just had to highlight my end to a really pretty day.

    Tall Timbers Kayaker, aka TTYaker


  • #2
    Nice evening. When I gotbstuff done it was 4 and things looked great. Loaded boat headed to launch and things were looking iffy. I bailed and by the time I got home to spring ridge it w as BLOWING! Nice pic
    14.5 ft Sand colored Malibu X-Factor "the promise"
    2010 Hobie Outback "the Gift Horse II"


    • #3
      incredible how wind can come up sometime. nice pic!

      ps - i still don know how to attach pics to look big in the thread v thumbnail size


      • #4

        I wish I could help you. I just went to the "insert image" icon at the top of the writing area(the third from the right) and followed the instructions. I think somewhere in there it asked about image size and I clicked on "medium." I am using a Mac, I don't know if that matters or not. Once finished I found that it will open up to medium size. Unfortunately the resulting picture is more contrasty than the original.


